Une version française de l'exposition est disponible.
Holocaust Pictures Exhibition
This exposition was originaly put on the web by François Schmitz in 1995. During the year 2002, it disapeared from the web. We have put it back, from an older version we had archived. The content and description of the photographies are those that could be found in the orginal exhibition. The text below is from the original site (http://www.fmv.ulg.ac.be/schmitz/holocaust.html)
Stuff about the Holocaust can be found on shamash.org. Daniel Keren (dkeren@world.std.com) scanned the pictures and wrote the comments. I downloaded the files to our http site and I created the 37 posters of this exhibition. Each poster contains one picture, a comment on it and the source. I modified some comments. I also translated the texts into French for French-speaking visitors. For the convenience of all visitors, I reduced the size of the pictures (I filtered them and sometimes I reduced the width and the height). During the visit, you can get the original picture by clicking on the poster picture (even if it is not visible on the posters, details are lost during the filtering process; if you want to enlarge or to print a picture, load the original one to get better results). For the convenience of Netscape users, I converted the pictures to interlaced-gif format. François Schmitz
You can start the visit by clicking on any poster description hereafter.
- Two Jewish pupils are humiliated before their classmates
- Synagogue burns in Germany on Nov. 10, 1938 - Kristallnacht
- German soldiers on the way to Poland "to strike at the Jews"
- German soldiers brutalizing a Jew in Poland
- German soldiers brutalizing an elderly Jew in Poland
- Jewish fighters in Warsaw
- A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union
- A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union
- A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Soviet Union
- A mass execution of Jews in Nazi occupied Ukraine
- From a report detailing murder of Jews in Nazi occupied Baltics
- Report from Himmler: 363,211 Jews murdered in four months
- SS women at the Belsen camp
- A shrunken head of a prisoner, discovered at Buchenwald
- Children subjected to medical experiments in Auschwitz
- High-Altitude medical experiments in Dachau
- Scenes of horror at Nazi concentration camps
- A prisoner is subjected to freezing experiments in Dachau
- Krema III in Birkenau (aerial photograph)
- Authorization to transport materials for the extermination
- The plan of the gas chamber of Krema II in Auschwitz
- Gas chamber inventory, cites shower heads and gas tight door
- Current state of the Krema II gas chamber at Auschwitz
- Door of gas chamber found at Auschwitz
- The furnaces of Krema II in Auschwitz
- Overview of Krema IV in Auschwitz
- The gas chambers of Krema IV in Auschwitz
- Letter about the capacity of the Auschwitz crematoriums
- Open air Cremation of gassed people at Auschwitz
- Scene of horror at the Maidanek extermination camp
- A mass grave in the extermination camp Treblinka
- A mass grave in the Belsen camp
- A pile of the victims glasses at Auschwitz
- Sorting the shoes of victims in Auschwitz
- Pile of the victims shoes at Belzec extermination camp
- A pile of the victims shoes at Maidanek
- The spoils: victims' gold teeth and dental work
Copyright © 1995-2003 François Schmitz
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Copyright © Gilles Karmasyn 2003.
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