
"The Einsatzgruppen Case"


Case No. 9



I, Kurt Lindow, swear, state, and depose-

1. I was born on 16 February 1903 in Berlin and attended the Lessing-Gymnasium and the Kirchner Oberreal-School. I studied commercial science and law, without, however, passing the government examination, and was a business apprentice from 1922 to 1928. In April 1928 I joined the criminal police, Berlin, as a candidate and was transferred to Altona as assistant inspector later on where I remained until 1932. I was subsequently transferred to Elbing and later on to Hannover where I remained till 1938. In Hannover I was chief of the counter intelligence service, holding this office from 1935 to 1937. In 1938 I was retransferred to the political police later renamed state police, where I worked with the protective custody subdepartment from 1938 to 1940. Until 1941 I was attached to the counter-intelligence subdepartment and was transferred later on to the subdepartment dealing with Communists where I remained until the middle of 1944. At that time I received the order to report to the Reich Security Main Office, office 1, and was attached to this office as instructor for the training of inspectors.

2. In 1935 I joined the SS; my membership number is 272,350. On 1 May 1937 I joined the Party, my membership number is 4,609,289.

3. In October 1941, till about middle of 1942, I first was deputy chief and later on chief of subdepartment IV A 1. This subdepartment dealt with communism, war crimes, and enemy propaganda; moreover, it handled the reports of the various Einsatzgruppen until the command staff was set up in 1942. The Einsatzgruppen in the East regularly sent their reports to Berlin by wireless or by letter. The reports indicated the various locations of the Gruppen and the most important events during the period under survey. I read most of these reports and passed them on to inspector Dr. Knobloch of the criminal police who made them up into a compilation which at first was published daily under the title "Operational Situation Reports U.S.S.R.". These reports were stencilled and I corrected them; afterwards they were mimeographed and distributed. The originals of the reports which were sent to the Reich Security Main Office were mostly signed by the commander of the Einsatzgruppe or his deputy.

4. The reports "Operational Situation Reports U.S.S.R.", Nos.

Affiant did not testify.

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114, 115, 118, 121, 122, 128, 138, 141, 142, 144, 159, as shown to me, are photostats of the original reports drawn up by Dr. Knobloch in subdepartment IV A 1 of which I was the chief. I recognize them as such by the red bordering, discernible on the photostat, by their size, the types, and partial bordering. I identify the handwritten initials appearing on the various reports as those of persons employed with the Reich Security Main Office, but considering that 6 years have elapsed since, I rannot remember the full names of these persons whose handwritten initials appear on the documents. From the contents of the handwritten notes I conclude that these were made by Dr. Knobloch, and moreover I notice that various parts of the above-mentioned reports are extracted from the original reports of the Einsatzgruppen to the Reich Security Main Office.

5. On the strength of my position as deputy chief and, later on, chief of subdepartment IV A 1, I consider myself a competent witness, able to confirm that the "Operational Situation Reports U.S.S.R. " which were published by the chief of the security police and the security service under file mark IV A I were compiled entirely from the original reports of the Einsatzgruppen reaching my subdepartment by wireless or by letter.

I have read the above statement consisting of 3 (three) pages in the German language and declare that it is the full truth to the best of my knowledge and belief. I have had the opportunity of making alterations and corrections in the above statement. I made this statement voluntarily without any promise of reward and I was subjected to no duress or threat whatever.

Nuernberg, 21 July 1947 [Signed] KURT LINDOW

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Trials of War Criminals Before the Nurenberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10, Volume IV, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 99 - 100

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