
"The Einsatzgruppen Case"


Case No. 9

Evidence and Arguements on Important Aspects of the Case

A. Seclections from Evidence and Arguements of the Prosecution

I. Introduction

For the purpose of publication, the prosecution's case has been divided into four parts-

1. The task of the Einsatzgruppen. The prosecution alleged that it was the primary task of the Einsatzgruppen to carry out the Hitler order calling for the extermination of Jews, Communists, gypsies, and other racial or national groups considered by the Nazis as "racially inferior" or "politically undesirable". It was further alleged that another task of these Einsatzgruppen consisted in dispatching small detachments into prisoner-of-war camps in the East for the segregation and extermination of those inmates who were politically or racially undesirable.

Selections from the evidence of the prosecution on this point, consisting of contemporaneous documents and affidavits of the defendants, are set forth in pp. 119 to 140. 2. The magnitude of the enterprise. Of the contemporaneous documents on this point appearing in pp. 141 to 197, one document reports the killing of more than 220,000 people, another of more than 130,000, still others more than 91,000 persons, 80,000 per- sons, and 60,000 persons, respectively, and some report the killing of smaller numbers but the document reproduced here reports upon the killing of fewer than 10,000 persons.

3. Methods of execution. It was alleged by the prosecution that mass exterminations of Jews and other undesirables were carried out mainly by shooting, and that gas vans were also used for this purpose. Selections from the prosecution's evidence on this point set forth in pp. 198 to 216 include a contemporaneous document, an affidavit of an eyewitness, the German businessman Friedrich Graebe, and affidavits of several defendants.

4. Membership in criminal organizations. In count three of the indictment, all defendants were charged with membership in organizations declared to be criminal by the International Military Tribunal, namely, of the SS, the SD, and the Gestapo, respectively. The prosecution introduced in evidence extracts from the original SS personnel files. These files showed the duration of membership,

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promotions, decorations, recommendations for promotion, etc., of the individual defendants.

An extract from the prosecution's brief on the scope of the declaration of criminality by the International Military Tribunal, of the Gestapo, the SS and SD, appears in pp. 216 to 221; and extracts from the testimony of the defendant Braune appear in pp. 323 to 328.

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Trials of War Criminals Before the Nurenberg Military Tribunals Under Control Council Law No. 10, Volume IV, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. pp. 118 - 119

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January 2, 1999
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