Chemistry is Not the Science
- Leuchter, Fred A., THE LEUCHTER
REPORT The End of a Myth: A Report on the Alleged Execution Gas
Chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek, Poland by an Execution
Equipment Expert, Samisdat, 1988. Also available online at
- Lüftl, W., "The Lüftl Report, An
Austrian Engineer's Report on the 'Gas Chambers' of Auschwitz and
Mauthausen," The Journal of Historical Review, vol. 12,
no. 4, Winter 1992-1993. A copy of this version is available
online at
- Rudolf, Germar,
The Rudolf Report, Ruediger Kammerer - Armin Solms (Hg),
Das Rudolf-Gutachten, Gutachten ueber die Bildung nach Nachweisbarkeit
von Canidverbindungen in den "Gaskammern" von Auschwitz, Cromwell
Press, London 1993.
A massively abridged English translation has appeared as
The Rudolf Report, London: Cromwell, 1993.
A version in German, apparently from 1997, is available online at
- A collection of online examples:
| "...because of the design and fabrication of these facilities,
they could not have been utilized for execution gas chambers." |
| Bradley R. Smith's CODOH
website, Fred
A. Leuchter Jr. Biography, quoting the Leuchter Report |
| "May The Leuchter Report help to free, not only the Western
world, but the entire literate world from the chains of an oppressive
illusion -- the lie of the Hitler gas chambers." |
website, "The
Leuchter Report Vindicated", by Paul Grubach |
| "It is scientifically impossible to have used so-called
'gassing facilities' as described by many 'Holocaust survivors' and as
explained to tourists, since science cannot be suspended - not
even for the 'Nazis'..." |
| Ernst Zundel's
Zundelsite, "First
Electronic 'Holocaust' Rebuttal in the History of Mankind" |
| "American execution expert, Fred Leuchter, delivered a
scientific breakthrough in proving that the so-called gas
chambers at Auschwitz could not have been used for their alleged
purpose." |
| Zundelsite, Zundelgram
of March 23, 1997 |
| "The Rudolf Report, authored by industrial chemist Germar Rudolf,
formerly of the Stuttgart Max Planck Institute, proves the
impossibility of homicidal gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Rudolf's
work has not been refuted." |
| Zundelsite, Zundelgram
of September 30, 1997 quoting the
Adelaide Institute |
| Zundelsite, Zundel
Chronology |
| "...check up on Dr. Roth's testimony [James Roth analyzed
Leuchter's cyanide traces] and then forever hold your peace. Or
else, come up with scientific proof that what we say is wrong." |
| Zundelsite, "Holocaust
101" |
| "This answer comes from Germar Rudolf, a German scientist born after
the war, now forced into political exile because he claimed that
science does not lie. Rudolf is as fine a scientist as Europe
can produce." |
| Zundelsite, Reply
to Q&A #29 |
- Rimland, Ingrid,
of April 18, 1999. Of course, he was earning his extra
money using the facilities and letterhead of the Max Planck Institute
without their knowledge. This Zundelgram consists largely of a Rudolf
screed, ending in a complaint that Holocaust history ("the propaganda
lie") helps to further the "alien cultural domination" of Germany.
- Lipstadt, Deborah, Denying the
Holocaust, the Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, New York: The
Free Press, 1993.
- Daly, C.B., "Holocaust Revisionist Admits
He Is Not Engineer" in The Washington Post,
June 18, 1991, Final Edition p. A6.
- Chatwin, Margret, private communication.
- Maegerle, Anton, "Eine Spinnne im Netz,"
blick nach rechts, November 27, 1996
(13. Jahrgang, Nr. 24), p. 5; Bayerischer
Verfassungsschutzbericht 1997, Hrsg. Bayer. Innenministerium,
- Maegerle, Anton,
nach rechts,
December 20, 1994 (11. Jahrgang, Nr. 26), p. 5.
"Holocaust-Leugner als Zeugen. Prozess gegen Chemiker vor dem
Stuttgarter Landgericht."
- blick nach rechts, August 6,
1997 (14. Jahrgang, Nr. 16), p. 4. Remer is quoted in
this article as saying "Diese Scheiss-Demokratie muss weg!" - "this
shitty democracy must go!" On Rudolf's contact with Phillip and Remer,
see also Anton Maegerle, "Eine Spinne im Netz," op. .cit.;
Maegerle, "Braunes Zentrum," blick nach rechts,
March 11, 1999 (16. Jahrgang, Nr. 5), p. 8; trial
transcript Landgericht Stuttgart, 4 Js 34417/93.
- Maegerle, "Eine Spinne im Netz,"
op. cit.
- Rembiszewski, Sarah, The Final Lie:
Holocaust Denial in Germany, A Second-Generation Denier as a Test
Case, Tel Aviv University Printshop, Tel Aviv, 1996,
p. 35, note 103.
- Chatwin, Margret, private communication.
We are grateful to Chatwin for the considerable amount of material
regarding Rudolf's right-wing connections that she has provided.
- Mecklenburg, Jens (Ed.), Handbuch
deutscher Rechtsextremismus, Elefanten Press, Berlin, 1996,
pp. 518ff.
- Shermer, Michael, Why People Believe
Weird Things: Pseudoscience, Superstition, and Other Confusions of Our
Time, New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1997, p. 233.
- Morris, John, "The Ball Challenge. Where is
John Ball?",
- Concentrations of trace gases in air are
conveniently described in terms of parts per million by volume (ppm) as
Concentration of species X in ppm = 106*(volume of
species X alone)/(volume of air)
Holocaust denier "David Thomas" has informed Dr. Green that Degesch
defines in their publications that they mean ppm as parts per million
by mass (a convention brought over from the liquid phase). In the case
of HCN, the point is moot. HCN has a molecular mass of 27 versus the
atmosphere's roughly 28.8. Thus their densities are nearly equal at the
same temperature and one may be loose about switching between the two
conventions. Nevertheless, we denote parts per million by volume as
ppmv for clarity.
- NI-9912, section IX, reprinted in Pressac,
Jean-Claude, Technique and Operation of the Auschwitz Gas
Chambers, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation, New York, 1989,
p. 19. This document is online at the CODOH (denial) website, at
- Singer, M., The New Yorker,
p. 35, Feb. 1, 1999.
- Van Alstine, Mark, private communication.
Van Alstine writes:
Given that Zyklon B came in 200 g, 500 g, 1 kg, and
1.5 kg canisters, arguably "one of the smallest cans" would have
been a 500 g can of Zyklon B. That would mean that in Krema
II either 1.5 or 2.0 kg of Zyklon B (depending on whether or
not one or both gas chambers of L.Keller 1 were used) would have
been poured in. Since L.Keller 1 had a volume of about
500 cu m, that would mean a HCN concentration of about
3-4 g cu m.
(Cf. Pressac, Technique, op. cit.,
pp. 16-17, 21, 494)
- Pressac, Jean-Claude, "The Deficiencies and
Inconsistencies of 'The Leuchter Report'" in Shapiro, S. Truth
Prevails: Demolishing Holocaust Denial: The End of the Leuchter
Report, NY: The Beate Klarsfield Foundation (1990).
- See note 10 above.
- Fred Leuchter, for example. His
testimony at the 1988 Zundel trial evinces a remarkable lack of
understanding of the chemistry at the heart of his Report:
"One of the main requirements for driving or evaporating the
hydrogen cyanide gas out of the Zyklon B is excessive temperature.
You have to heat it in order to get this to happen. It has to be heated
above 78 or 79 degrees Fahrenheit."
If the temperature is well below 78°, said Leuchter, the gas
will be released very slowly.
(Lenski, Robert, The Holocaust on Trial: The Case of Ernst
Zundel, 1990, p. 375.)
- Perry, J.H. and F. Porter,
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 48, 299 (1926)
- Du Pont, Hydrogen Cyanide:
Properties, Uses, Storage, and Handling, Wilmington: Du Pont,
195071/A (1991).
- Du Pont, ibid.
- Höss, Rudolf, Death Dealer:
The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, Steven Paskuly,
Ed., 1996, p. 44:
The door would be screwed shut and the waiting disinfection squads
would immediately pour the gas [crystals] into the vents in the ceiling
of the gas chamber down an air shaft which went to the floor. This
ensured the rapid distribution of the gas. The process could be
observed through the peep hole in the door. Those who were standing
next to the air shaft were killed immediately. I can state that about
one-third died immediately. The remainder staggered about and began to
scream and struggle for air. The screaming, however, soon changed to
gasping and in a few moments everyone lay still. After twenty minutes
at the most no movement could be detected. The time required for the
gas to take effect varied according to weather conditions and depended
on whether it was damp or dry, cold or warm. It also depended on on the
quality of the gas, which was never exactly the same, and on the
composition of the transports, which might contain a high proportion of
healthy Jews, or the old and sick, or children. The victims became
unconscious after a few minutes, according to the distance from the air
shaft. Those who screamed and those who were old, sick, or weak, or the
small children died quicker than those who were healthy or young.
- Du Pont, Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
for Hydrogen Cyanide, 1130CR, Wilmington DE: Du Pont Chemicals,
Engineering & Product Safety, (1993).
- Commandant Rudolf Höss wrote "I have
never known or heard of a single person being found alive" (Death
Dealer, Ed. Paskuly, 1996, p. 43), but just such an incident
is described in Nyiszli, Miklos, Auschwitz: A Doctor's Eyewitness
Account, New York: Arcade Publishing, 1993, pp. 114-120.
Dr. Nyiszli simplifies the toxicology somewhat:
I grabbed my instrument case, which was always ready, and dashed to
the gas chamber. Against the wall, near the entrance to the immense
room, half covered with other bodies, I saw a girl in the throes of a
death-rattle, her body seized with convulsions. The gas kommando men
around me were in a state of panic. Nothing like this had ever happened
in the course of their horrible career. [...]
I calmly related [to SS Sergeant Mussfeld] the terrible case
we found ourselves confronted with. I described for his benefit what
pains the child must have suffered in the undressing room, and the
horrible scenes that preceded death in the gas chamber. When the room
had been plunged into darkness, she had breathed in a few lungfuls of
cyclon gas. Only a few, though, for her fragile body had given way
under the pushing and shoving of the mass as they fought against death.
By chance she had fallen with her face against the wet concrete floor.
That bit of humidity had kept her from being asphyxiated, for cyclon
gas does not react under humid conditions. These were my arguments, and
I asked him to do something for the child. [...]
"There's no way of getting round it," he said, "the child will have
to die."
Half an hour later the young girl was led, or rather carried, into
the furnace hallway, and there Mussfeld sent another in his place to do
the job. A bullet in the back of the neck.
- Peters, G.,: Blausäure zur
Schädlingsbekämpfung (= Sammlung chem. und chem.-techn.
Vorträge; N.F. 20) Verlag von Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart 1933.
Available on the web at
- Peters, G. and W. Rasch, Die
Einsatzfähigkeit der Blausäure-Durchgasung bei tiefen
Temperaturen.Zeitschrift für hygienische Zoologie und
Schädlingsbekämpfung, 11 (1941) pp. 133ff. Available on
the web at
- Irmscher, R., Nochmals: "Die
Einsatzfähigkeit der Blausäure bei tiefen
Temperaturen" (Once More: "The Efficiency of Prussic Acid
Low Temperatures"), Zeitschrift für Hygienische Zoologie und
Schädlingsbekämpfung, Feb/Mar 1942, pp. 35-37.
Available on the web at
- Note that Irmscher's report has swapped
captions between cardboard and Erco, on either his tables or his graphs.
The graph for cardboard depicts the numbers for Erco, and vice versa.
We believe it is the tables which are wrong and that Erco outgasses
faster than cardboard, and are seeking definitive confirmation of this.
Our argument here stands regardless of which numbers are correct.
- Frölich's testimony in a Swiss trial as
reported by the denier publication, JHR, 17,
No. 4, pp. 2-4, July/Aug. (1998). Explanatory comments
in brackets are presumably those of the editors of JHR.
- Note that Zyklon was measured by the
mass of the hydrocyanic acid; a "1 kg" tin of Zyklon, containing
1 kg of HCN, actually weighed something like 3 kg. If
Fröhlich was unaware of this and was trying to adjust for the
weight of the carrier, perhaps his minimum estimate was only twice as
large as a reasonable maximum.
- Porter, Carlos Whitlock, "Chemistry of the
Holoco$ts," 1978, revised 1985, published in 1999 at
Porter questions whether exhaust fans "are a smart way to get rid
of cyanide gas in an industrial complex housing 200,000 people,
etc.," and answers his own question: "No."
- Ibid:
In practice, as opposed to theory, "mass gassings" require huge
amounts of poison, because the air acts as a dilutant and filter.
The liquid must evaporate and fill the entire chamber to an
extremely high concentration, which takes time. To kill 2000
people in 2 minutes would probably require a ton of pure cyanide.
- Piper, Franciszek, "Gas Chambers and
Crematoria," in Gutman, Yisrael, and Michael Berenbaum, Eds.,
Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp, 1994, p. 166.
- Pressac, Jean-Claude, with Robert-Jan Van
Pelt, "The Machinery of Mass Murder at Auschwitz," in ibid,
pp. 210, 232.
In mid-March [1942], Bischoff received new calculations from
Schultz. After reviewing the original numbers, he had decided that it
was better to increase the total capacity of the ventilation system of
the new crematorium, now to be built at Birkenau, from
32,600 cu m of air an hour to 45,000 an hour. The room most
affected by this was the B. Keller, which was to receive a system
capable of aerating and deaerating 8,000 instead of 4,800 cu m
an hour, that is, a 66-percent increase. Bischoff accepted Schultze's
new proposal on April 2. He asked Topf to bring the designation on
the firm's blueprints into line with the ones drawn up in the
camp. 70 This meant that B. Keller became
L. Keller 1 and L. Keller became L. Keller 2.
The Topf design was modified accordingly and returned to Auschwitz on
May 8. 71
70. Moscow [Central State Special Archives of Russia],
502-1-312, letter Bauleitung April 2, 1942; Oswiecim, BW 11/1, 12.
71. Moscow, 502-1-312, letter Topf May 8, 1942.
- Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The End
of a Legend, Newport Beach: IHR, 1994, pp. 60-62. Available
in German translation as "Auschwitz: das Ende einer Legende" at
Mattogno misrepresents planned ventilation capacity that was at one
point planned as if it were real:
Consequently, for the supposed homicidal gas chamber, the SS had
foreseen 4,800 ÷ 506 = 9.48 air exchanges per hour, while in the
supposed changing room 10,000 ÷ 902.7 = 11 air exchanges per
hour: thus the gas chamber was less ventilated than the changing
However, he is at least honest enough to point out (two pages earlier)
that a larger capacity ended up being used:
Pressac states that Leichenkeller 1 of Crematories II and
III was actually equipped with ventilators with a capacity of
8000 m3/h of air (p. 74 and 118), and even
mentions the invoice of the ventilation system for Crematory III:
invoice No. 729 of 27 March 1943 (p. 105,
note 184).
- American Conference of Governmental
Industrial Hygienists website, at
free demonstration version
of the Industrial Hygiene Calculator was used to produce the screenshot
shown. The screenshot shows the program solving for t with C(0) of
1000 ppmv and C(t) of 20 ppmv: 14.8 minutes.
- Pressac and Van Pelt, "The Machinery of
Mass Murder at Auschwitz," op. cit., p. 224. Their
footnoted source is Pressac, Jean-Claude, Technique,
op. cit., pp. 481ff.
- The blue line is not extended all the way
to the left because it would be meaningless at higher concentrations. It
would not make sense to speak of the "mean concentration over fifteen
minutes" starting from an initial concentration of 1000 ppmv,
because the first few breaths might well prove fatal.
- Pressac, Technique,
op. cit., p. 253:
In a few minutes, five at the very most, depending on the humidity of
the air and the ambient temperature, all the victims were dead.
[...] The air extraction system was then switched on for at
least 20 to 30 minutes, for there was a great deal of poisoned air still
in the chamber, the amount absorbed by the victims being minimal.
The gas-tight door was then unbolted and opened, and the work of
extracting the corpses began immediately....
Ibid, p. 475:
Twenty minutes after the introduction of the gas the extraction fans
were switched on and then the door was opened afterwards....
- Pressac, Technique,
op. cit., p. 322. The blueprint showing "Belüftung"
(aeration) and "Entlüftung" (deaeration) and is available online at
- Reardon, J.T., C.Y. Shaw and
G.A. Chown, "Ventilation Strategies for Small Buildings," paper
presented at Building Science Insight '90: Small buildings:
Technology in Transition. Available on the web at
Figure 9 indicates the required separations and clearances for intake
and exhaust vent openings. Vents should be at least 1 m from any
corner of the building to minimize wind effects. Intakes should be at
least 450 mm and exhaust vents at least 200 mm above the
ground to avoid snow blockage and contamination by ground care products
such as herbicides. Intakes and exhaust vents should be separated
vertically or horizontally by at least 1800 mm to minimize the
potential for cross contamination.
- Rudolf, Germar, The Rudolf
Report, op. cit.. Available on the web in German at
- Nyiszli, Miklos, Auschwitz: A
Doctor's Eyewitness Account, Arcade Publishing, New York
(1996), pp. 50-51.
- Dragon, Szlama, The Höß
Trial, Vol. 1, pp. 102-121. As cited in Pressac,
Technique, op.cit., p. 171.
Dragon also mentions donning a gas mask for work at the (also
unventilated) crematorium V, in Kogon et al., Nazi Mass
Murder, 1993, p. 167.
- Höss, Rudolf, Death Dealer:
The Memoirs of the SS Kommandant at Auschwitz, Ed. Steven
Paskuly, Da Capo Press, New York, 1996, p. 160.
- Rudolf, Germar, The Rudolf
Report, op. cit.. Available on the web in German at
- Ibid. In stark contrast to his
endless analysis of grams and parts per million for atmospheric
poison, Rudolf can offer not a single number regarding poisoning
through the skin. In reality, this is not a significant concern.
It is also noteworthy that the allegedly lethal skin absorption
factor is totally ignored when Rudolf calculates the quantity of
Zyklon needed to murder the victims. If he really believed
it to be an important factor (and if he were honest), he would take
it into account in both situations. But it is only when he wants to
show that the Sonderkommando would also be killed that he
speaks of the "possibly deadly" results:
Poisoning through the sweat-soaked skin would only be prevented
if the laborers in the 'gas chambers' had worked with protective
clothing [...] It should not be forgotten here that
prussic acid is a contact poison. The transporting of corpses, on
whose damp skin large, possibly deadly quantities of prussic acid
are absorbed, would have required that the Sonderkommando handling
the corpses wear protective clothing.
Eine Vergiftung durch die schweißnasse Haut
schließlich wäre nur dann zu verhindern gewesen, wenn die
Arbeiter in den 'Gaskammern' unter diesen Bedingungen mit
Schutzanzug gearbeitet hätten, ... Nicht vergessen werden soll
hier, daß Blausäure ein Kontaktgift ist. Das
Transportieren von Leichen, auf deren feuchter Haut große,
eventuell tödlich wirkende Blausäure-Mengen absorbiert
sind, hätte bei den mit den Leichen hantierenden
Sonderkommandos das Tragen von Schutzkleidung erfordert.
- Robin, M. B., and P. Day, Adv.
Inorg. Chem. Radiochem., 10, 247 (1967).
- P.W. Atkins, Physical
Chemistry, p. 826, table 12.3, Third Edition, New York:
W.H. Freeman and Company (1986).
- M.A. Alich, D.T. Howarth,
M.F. Johnson, J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. 1967, 29,
- Ibid.
- T. Ozeki, K. Matsumoto, and Seiichiro
Hikime, Anal. Chem., 56, 2819-2822, (1984).
- L. Moggi, F. Bolleta, V. Balzani and F.
Scandola J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem., 28,
2589-2597, (1966).
- G. Stochel, and Z. Stasicka
Polyhedron., 4, 1887-1890, (1985).
- Rembiszewski, op. cit.,
p. 58.
- Markiewicz, Gubala, and Labedz, Z
Zagadnien Sqdowych, z. XXX, 17-27, (1994) available at
- Prof. Wojciech Piekoszewski, the Institute
for Forensic Research, Cracow, private communication.