and Operation
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PART ONE Delousing gas
chambers and other disinfestation installations
In the years 1960-70, when certain bodies were requested to furnish
proof of the existence of homicidal gas chambers, they responded by
sending a photograph [Photo 1] or [Photo 2] if their
documentation was more complete. These "proofs" were supposed to suffice,
but now they are no longer valid. At the Liberation there was a relative
lack of knowledge about the toxic products used in the homicidal gas
chambers and total confusion about their respective methods of use.
Ignorance and confusion were fueled by the publication after the war of
books such as Camps de concentration! Konzentrationslager by
Eugène Aroneau [Office Français d'Edition 1946; Arbeitsgemeinschaft
Das Licht, undated in German], which can now be considered a
historical monstrosity. Instead of presenting for each camp the testimony
relevant to it, and this in chronological order, accounts from different
sources were split up and regrouped according to a given topic:
"extermination", "selection in the camp", "selection on arrival", "gassing
and cremation", etc., a method producing an incoherent and
self-contradictory whole.
Through ignorance the operation of the
homicidal gas chambers rested on material impossibilities, understandable
at the end of the war but which were but rarely corrected afterwards. In
Maïdanek, un camp d'extermination [Editions Sociales, Paris
1945] the writer, the Soviet journalist Constantin Simonof, reports that
Zyklon-B "crystals" were introduced into the homicidal gas chambers
through metal tubes of 2 or 3 cm diameter [running parallel to the
ground!] , tubes which, in fact, were used to diffuse carbon monoxide
coming from metal cylinders outside. I found this impossible association
in the Investigation Section of the Warsaw Central Commission. I saw there
a photocopy of a French newspaper article illustrated by a can of Zyklon-B
surrounded by its "crystals" [Photo 1] PASTED DIRECTLY NEXT TO
the funnel used for pouring a liquid found at the Natzweiler [Photo
The relative confusion about the method of using the toxic
product in the gas chambers was aggravated by the fact that the SS
Bauleitung often grouped in the same building two completely different
sanitary functions: showers and incineration furnaces (for example in the
Natzweiler camp in France). This proximity brought about a forced
association. While in many homicidal gas chambers the showerheads were
dummy, there were many testimonies that asserted that the toxic gas was
diffused by them. Confusion reinforced by the fact that Zyklon-B was,
above all, the regulation pest control agent used by the Wehrmacht, used
to delouse effects and combat insects and rodents in premises. During the
trials that were held after the war, the tons of Zyklon-B ordered by the
camps were attributed to homicidal use without any verification. By far
the greater part (over 95 percent) was destined for delousing (effects and
buildings) while only a very small part (less than 5 percent) had been
used for homicidal gassings. |
Photo 1: [PMO neg. no. 1193]
The small blue pellets (Erco) or "crystals" of a can of
Zyklon-B containing 500g of prussic acid. |
Photo 2: [PMO neg. no. 624]
A "J" type filter for use with Zyklon-B manufactured by the
firms Auergesellschaft of Berlin N.65 and Drägerwerke of
Lübeck. |
The funnel with a
tap conserved at La Citadelle de Besançon which was used to supply
water to a mixture of chemicals in order to generate prussic acid in
the gas chamber at Struthof, asphyxiating 86 Jewish victims in August
(Photo by the Franche-Comté Museum of the Resistance
and Deportation, La Citadelle de Besançon.)
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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