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The Holocaust History Project.

                        Technique and Operation
                            of the Gas Chambers ©
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Document 77  Document 77

Aerial photograph of the Auschwitz-Birkenau- Monowitz complex, taken from 30,000 feet on 26th June 1944. The Birkenau camp above, Auschwitz below it and slightly left, Monowitz below, center.

Document 78

Enlargement of the aerial photograph of 26th June 1944, showing the Birkenau POW camp (old name) or KL Auschwitz II (new name). There is no protective screen around Krematorium IV at this date.  
Document 78

Document 79 Document 79

Aerial photograph taken on 25th August 1944, showing Auschwitz station (top right) and part of Auschwitz II, including B.1 the ramp and Krematorien II and III. 

Document 80
[PMO neg. no. 20583]

Part of an overall plan of Birkenau, Bauleitung drawing 2216, drawn on 20th March 1943 and showing Krematorien II and III. In the grounds of Kr II, in the north yard, there is a stable-type hut, type 260/9 (40.76 m by 9.56 m) that served as a temporary undressing room from 15th to 31st March 1943, while the western access stairway to Leichenkeller 2 (the undressing room) was being built.  
Document 80
Technique and operation
of the gas chambers

Jean-Claude Pressac
© 1989, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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