and Operation
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Plan of Birkenau
published on page 42 of “l’Album d’Auschwitz” (Seuil,
November 1983), showing the position of the SS photographer for the
different pictures. Photos 97, 98 and 99 of
“l’Album” were taken from point 9, on the
Ringstraße. The drawing on which this plan is based is Bauleitung
Drawing 3764, drawn by prisoner 63003 on 23rd March 1944,
checked by Teichmann (civilian employee) and approved by Jothann
(head of the Bauleitung in 1944) on 24th March 1944. Drawing
3764 was already used as a general purpose plan at the time and
several different prints were made with different additions
according to the specific purpose of the version concerned.
Translation of
inscriptions: |
· |
Zentral Sauna [baths
and disinfestation] |
· |
Kläranlage I / Sewage
treatment plant I |
· |
Pumpenanlage / Pumping
station |
· |
Crématoire II /
Krematorium II |
· |
Voie 2 / Track
2 |
· |
Kläranlage II / Sewage
treatment plant II |
· |
Effektenlagerstraße /
Effects camp road |
· |
Crématoire IV /
Krematorium IV |
· |
Ringstraße / Ring
road |
· |
Crématoire V /
Krematorium V |
· |
Réserve d'eau /
Reservoir |
· |
Fosses de décantation
provisoires / Provisional decantation basins |
· |
Canada II / Kanada
II |
· |
Camp des femmes /
Women’s camp |
· |
Entrée /
Entrance |
· |
Voie 1 / Track
1 |
· |
Hauptsgtaße a / Main
road a |
· |
Hauptstaße b / Main
road b |
· |
Quai a / Platform
a |
· |
Quai central / Central
platform |
· |
Quai b / Platform
b |
· |
Secteur Hôpital /
Hospital Sector |
· |
Camp des Tziganes /
Gypsy camp |
· |
Camp des hommes /
Men’s camp |
· |
Industriestraße /
Industry road |
· |
Camp des Hongroises /
Hungarian women’s camp |
· |
Camp de Theresienstadt
/ Theresienstadt camp |
· |
Lagerstraße / Camp
road |
1 |
Quai a / Platform a |
2 |
Quai b / Platform b |
3 |
Quai central / Central platform
(selection) |
4 |
Entrée de la Lagerstraße A /
Entrance from Lagerstrasse A |
5 |
Lagerstrasse A |
6 |
Hauptstrasse a |
7 |
B.II.e camp des Tziganes / Gypsy
camp |
8 |
B.II.f Secteur Hôpital /
Hospital sector |
9 |
Ringstrasse, opposite Kanada
II |
10 |
Effektenlagerstrasse A Kanada
II |
11 |
Entrée du B.I / Entrance to B.I
12 |
Place d'appel du B.II,c camp des
Hongroises / Assembly ground for B.II.c Hungarian women’s camp
13 |
Kanada II |
14 |
Hauptstrasse b |
15 |
Entrée du Crématoire II /
Entrance to Krematorium II |
16 |
Le Birkenwald / The Birch
wood |
17 |
Face au Crématoire V / Facing
Krematorium IV |
Les numéros en
chiffres arabes gras correspondent aux zones de prises des
photographies par les SS, classées dans l’ordre de l’Album. |
The bold arabic
numbers correspond to the areas where the photographs were taken by
the SS, classified in the order of the Album. |
Photo 14 [Photo 12 of
“Album d’Auschwitz” by Serge Klarsfled]
During the extermination of the Hungarian Jews found
unfit for work in May-June 1944, this is the only photo we have of
some of them between Krematorien IV and V. This woman and the three
men are about to enter the vestibule of Krematorium V. They have
less than an hour still to live.
In the backgound is
the north side of Krematorium IV, on which it is possible to
identify, despite the trees, the following openings (left to right):
the double door and two of the windows of the furnace room with its
8 muffles; the four small, high windows lighting the undressing
room/morgue; the first and second (half bricked-up) windows of the
vestibule, its door being masked by a tree; in the western, lower,
part is the door opening on the corridor serving the two westernmost
The creation of an access door in the north wall of
the western part of the building, not shown on Drawing 2036,
and the partial blocking of the secondd window of the vestibule were
to remedy problems found in the course of the first homicidal
gassings in the building at the end of March 1943, improvements made
in the light of experience. The gas chambers in this western part
had only natural ventilation. This was achieved either by opening
the three doors external doors of the western part (i.e. the doors
to the two gas chambers and the vestibuile), with the attendant risk
that a sudden gust of wind could send poisoned air through the door
between the corridor and the vestibule and contaminale the rooms
opening onto the vestibule, or, if the door between the corridor and
the vestibule were kept closed, then according to Drawing 2036(r.b)
the fresh air could enter through virtually only one opening of 30
by 40 cm (in the corridor), thus considerably extending the time
required for ventilation. In order to make the operation of the gas
chambers more rational and less dangerous (ventilation through the
vestibule), a door was made in the north wall in order to cause a
north-south draught, the prevailing winds being northerly. It
was thus possible to rapidly clear the poisoned air while keeping
the door between the corridor and the vestibule was kept closed. The
partial blocking of the second window of the vestibule was also a
practical necessity. After undressing in the undressing room/morgue,
the naked victims were directed through the vestibule to the gas
chambers. Sometimes the frst to reach these bizarre shower rooms
with low ceilings and no showerheads visible must have panicked and
tried to back out towards the undressing room, from which other
victims were still emerging, pushed by the SS. The resultant
crowding and struggles must have damaged the western window of the
vestibule (broken glass or even burst frame under the pressure of
the human mass). In order to prevent the recurrence of such damage
the SS had the window bricked in up to head height.
At the
date of this photograph, Krematorium IV was no longer used and was
soon to become accommodation for 500 to 700 Sonderkommando men, who
occupied the whole of the building, including the gas chambers.
Krematorium V was still used, however, as shown by these four Jews
directed towards the entrance to its vestibule. Their bodies were no
doubt not to be cremated in the furnace, but in the open-air ditches
dug parallel to the north wall and thus hidden from view by the
building. A three meter high hedge was later erected to hide
activities completely.
This very important photograph was
“analyzed” (or “conjured away”) by Robert Faurisson on pages 8 and 9
of a pamphlet of 17 pages dated 9th Decemher 1983 and entitled
“Les Tricheries de l’Album d’Auschwitz” (The Tricks of
the Auschwitz Album) distributed to the media following publication
of the Album. The author will not repeat Faurisson's entire argument
here, but the gist of it was: Pressac was half intoxicated — by his
drugs — when he tried, floundering and in vain, to “pathose” (verb
coined from "pathos") this photograph, which clearly has nothing
tragic about it for it is obvious that the woman is tightly clasping
the hand of the man on the right. Such reasoning on the part of a
man still a university professor leaves one flabbergasted if not
His inability to prove that these four Hungarian
Jews were anywhere else than at four or five meters from the
entrance to the vestibule of Krematorium V does not embarrass him in
the least. There is none so blind as he who will not see. As for the
woman's attitude, it could simply be that she, with no illusions
about what is to happen and having seen the SS photographer,
suddenly turned away, saying in effect Ï don't want that [bastard of
an] SS to photograph me!" Such a reaction would not be surprising,
for some of the Jewish children, less polite and more spontaneous
than their parents, instinctively feeling that the SS wished them no
good, pulled faces at the
photographers. | |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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