and Operation
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In February 1961, after having read the complete text
in “Quick”, I wrote to to Mr Tibère Kremer, but the letter
was returned “no longer at this address”. I wrote to “Quick”
and was told that they could not send the letter on to Dr Nyiszli
because he was dead (!)
In November 1961, having read the
complete text in the French version, I wrote to the publisher
Julliard asking him to be kind enough to pass on the above
observations, at least to Mr Tibére Kremer, whose address he must
have had, since he had just published his translation. I
added: |
“Historical documents should he
respected and versions whose accuracy cannot be guaranteed should
not he published without due consideration. As it happens, my
studies requiring it, I have been looking for the original for
fifteen years and nobody has ever been able to tell me where I could
consult it. The best qualified historians in the world know nothing
about it The versions that have been made public are divergent and
contradict one another from one page to the next. The author speaks
of places he obviously never visited, etc. ... If, therefore, you
were able to provide me with enough certainties to enable me to
write “authentic document” against the name of Dr Nyiszli in the
references in my works, I should be particularly grateful.” |
On 8th December, in
the name of the Julliard publishing house, of which he is one of the
literary directors, Mr Pierre Javet wrote to me in reply: "
“Thank you indeed for having
sent me the typed copy of your letter of 16th November.
I am
forwarding it this very day to Mr Tibère Kremer, translator of the
book by Doctor Miklos Nyiszli, “Médecin à Auschwitz”,
so that he can reply to you.
I can however tell you that it
is true that Doctor Nyiszli is dead, but his wife is still living. I
have also shown his book to several deportees, who have confirmed
its authenticity. |
(Signed) Pierre JAVET”
I am still awaiting the reply from Mr Tibère Kremer.
It is likely that I shall never receive it. First, on 24th
October 1951, Mr Tibère Kremer sent me a reply from Dr Nyiszli to
the letter I referred to when I wrote to Mr Julliard. Second, the
research I have continued to carrry out into this singular witness
has resulted in my receiving the information from New York, where
the book was published in 1951, that Dr Nyiszli was dead long
before his testimony was published for the first time.
If this is true, then this dead witness — yet another —
would have the distinction of having written to me after his
And the silence of Mr Tïbère Kremer would then be
No further comment |
Comments on Paul Rassinier’s
texts |
I have presented above the four successive texts written by Paul
Rassinier to demolish “Médecin à Auschwitz” by Dr
Miklos Nyiszli, translated into French from the Hungarian by Mr
Tibère Kremer. The reasoning is valid, but the references are
archaic and superficial. Paul Rassinier could not or would not visit
Auschwitz in "communist" Poland, the main reason being perhaps his
ill-health. All his criticisms are tainted by this deficiency,
though it must be pointed out that in the course of time his attacks
became more precise and detailed. From a refusal to argue “with such
an individual”, written in 1961, he comes round three years later to
throwing the blame — as I did at first — on Tibère Kremer, who is
not at fault, and thinking that the account was not by an authentic
former prisoner of Birkenau.
Although some of his criticisms
remain valid, Rassinier’s rancorous verbiage no longer has any
place. Dr Miklos Nyiszli was an authentic witness, which can easily
be proved. But the mystery of the “multiplier” still remains
complete. |
* |
The testimonies of doctors BENDEL and NYISZLI are, of course,
precious. Certain events or details that they describe cannot have
been invented. They must have been there, in Birkenau and in
Bendel asserts, contrary to all that we knew, that
there were two gas chambers in the basement of Krematorium II, and
he turns out to be right. Each had two columns for the introduction
of Zyklon-B, and he gives the approximate dimensions in his
deposition. I believed for a long time — and 1 was not the only one
— that he was assimilating Leichenkeller 2, the undressing room, to
a gas chamber, an opinion reinforced by the description of the
entrance as being a ”double door of solid oak”, a description
applying above all to the double door for access to the undressing
room from inside the building. Henryk TAUBER, the only witness to
make a 95% reliable declaration, confirms the division of
Leichenkeller I, the gas chamber, into two in order to be able to
“treat” small groups, which implies that in the light of experience,
the 210m² of Leichenkeller I were found to be too big for the number
of victims received. In the case of a normal convoy, and depending
on the selection, 600 to 1,200 people were destined to be
exterminated by gas. Mixing up the undressing room and the gas
chamber would be a serious blunder for somebody who claimed to have
been an authentic deportee attached as doctor to the Sonderkommando,
and could have completely discredited his testimony and writings.
His credibility, established through crosschecking with Tauber for
the arrangement of the premises of Krematorium II, which he seems to
have visited but rarely, is not valid for the other Krematorien and
is no longer acceptable as regards the figures. Here the
exaggeration is manifest and sounds like the rehashing of stories
developed in their own closed world by members of the
Dr Bendel, prisoner number 167,460, was
wrong not to have better decribed his experiences after the war. I
reproach him for having used his medical qualifications and his
status as one who had miraculously escaped from the Auschwitz death
camp in order to have his statements accepted as the absolute truth
and to declare himself infallible. His motives are to be found in
the pride of his personality, his intransigent attitude and a desire
for vengeance without pity for all SS men — and who could blame him
for that? But not all were criminals. And another reason for being
so categorical was surely the desire not to dwell on his past as a
medical experimentor in the laboratory hut of the Gypsy camp. This
attitude led him to put forward and maintain statements that I now
consider, with present knowledge and in the light of contemporary
documents, to he untrue.
The case of Dr Miklos NYISZLI’s book
is baffling. In my opinion, it contains the most impressive
evocation of the “demential nightmare” experienced by the thousand
men of the Sonderkommando. Located al the very center of the madness
of the Krematorien, Nyiszli plunged into it even more than his
companions as one of the pathologists working for Dr
It was inevitable that some mad medical man should
“take advantage” of the unprecedented opportunities opened up by the
death camps. Mengele was the man who thrived in this criminal
environment. Nyiszli, badly shaken after the Sonderkommando revolt
of 6th October 1944, suggested to Mengele: “Herr Obersturmführer,
this environment is unsuitable for scientific research. Wouldn't it
be possible to transfer the dissecting room to a better place?”
Mengele's only reply was “What’s wrong? Getting sentimental?”
Nyiszli had not understood anything. Mengele, notorious for his
crimes against humanity, has now become the symbol of the
unscrupulous medical man.
Nyiszli’s has a disdainful
appreciation of the SS “pseudo-science” and of the “research into
the causes of the phenomenon of twin births” undertaken by Mengele,
studies associated with the race war that most people reject with
horror and disgust. However, politicians can sometimes overcome this
feeling when they are interested in this work for some
At the other end of the world, up to 1945, others
were using the same corrupt practices as Mengele, but in a specific
field: biological warfare. Those of "Unit 731" succeeded. The
Japanese military surgeon Shiro ISHII was able to negociate with the
Americans over the only known results "concerning experiments
carried out under scientific control demonstrating the direct
effects of agents of biological warfare on human beings". [“La
Guerre chimique et biologique” by Daniel Riche, Editions
Pierre Betfond, Paris 1982, pages 153 to 162]. Mengele’s “research”
has never been of interest to anybody and it is now easy to obtain
the results (multiple births) he wanted to achieve.
follows traditional morality in judging Mengele, which is all the
easier for him in that he received a traditional German university
education from 1927 to 1930 in the Forensic Institute of Breslau
[Wroclaw since 1945], ending with an “Inaugural
Dissertation” thesis entitled “Selbstmordarten auf
Grund des Sektionsmaterials des Breslauer Gerichtsärztlichen
Instituts von Juni 1927 – May 1930” [Categories of suicide
according to the dissection material of the Breslau Forensic
Institute from June 1927 to May 1930]. Undoubtably a scientist,
having also spent time in America, Dr Miklos Nyiszli was in the
habit of writing PRECISE reports where errors had to be avoided.
However, in reporting the history of the Krematorien he is mistaken,
though of good faith, when he reports what he has been told without
being able to verify the facts [pages 44 and 45]: |
“From the conversation I learned the history of the
crematoriums. Tens of thousands of prisoners had built them of
stone and concrete, finishing them in the middle of an extremely
rigorous winter. Every stone was stained with their blood. They
had worked day and night, often without food or drink, dressed in
mere tatters, so that these infernal death factories, whose first
victims they became, might be finished in time.
Since then
four years had passed. Countless of thousands since climbed down
from the box cars and crossed the thresholds of the crematoriums.”
Bendel repeats the legend in a similar fashion.
But when
Nyiszli writes [p. 84]: |
“Glancing upward, I noticed that the four lightning
rods placed at the corners of the crematorium chimney were twisted
and bent, the result of the previous night's high
temperatures.” |
it suffices to compare this with David Olère's sketch [see
Document 89, Part II, Chapter 5] of Krematorium III to see a
faithful illustration of the text. But both commit a slight
Photograph PMO neg. no. 20995/507 shows the
south side and west end of Krematorium III with, rising 2 metres
above the chimney, four lightning conductors that are not “at the
four corners” but In the center of each of the four sides of the
chimney. Scarcely visible at a distance of 100 metres — the distance
at which the photograph was taken — they become totally invisible
beyond 200 metres. Only prisoners working within the precincts of
Krematorien II and III could see and remember them. This, admittedly
minor, detail could not be dreamed up.
Nyiszli described the
Sonderkommando revolt rather poorly, because he did not participate
in it. His account is second hand: he is repeating the words of an
SS man. When he claims to have seen (page 16): |
“the red-tiled roof and supporting beams of number
three crematorium [Kr IV] blow off, followed by an immense spiral
of flame and black smoke”. |
he is inventing, not having been able to directly see the
start of the fire because there was a distance of 700 metres between
Krematorien II and IV and he could not see through Krematorium III,
a wood, and sewage treatment station II. What is more, the roof of
Krematorium IV was not of RED TILES, like those of Krematorien II
and III, but of BLACK ROOFING FELT, which explains how it caught
fire so easily [photographic proof: PMO neg. nos 20995/509 and
The problem of the completely false figures in
Chapter Seven still remains, however. An author such as Rassinier
can easily, without knowing Birkenau, see that the text contains
errors and contradictions, and with the aid of his documentation he
can see that the figures are incompatible with reality. The not very
serious criticisms by Rassinier, who was short of reference
material, are now obsolete. Thanks to the original Bauleitung
drawings and the remaining ruins, a more detailed analysis reveals
that on average the figures have been multiplied by FOUR. But not
ALL the figures. The distances outside Krematorium II are correct,
well estimated, but as soon as Nyiszli enters the Krematorium
building and starts talking about the “cellars”, everything goes
wrong. I consider it to be quite impossible that these wrong figures
could simply be “careless”, since they are in such stark contrast to
the precision and truth of other passages in the book. As far as our
information goes at present, responsibility for these data remains
with Dr Nyiszli, who does not appear to be an irresponsible man, but
on the contrary an authentic, lucid and intelligent witness, in
possession of all his faculties.
I judge both these men
severely, because 1 have a university training myself and exercise a
profession where I have to be precise and avoid error at all costs.
It is impardonable that they should have “spoilt” their testimonies,
which ought to have been of the very best in view of their training,
impardonable that through their accounts doubts were raised that led
to the creation of revisionism, whose very existence — and this is
perfectly understandable — “shocks” surviving deportees who are
unable to understand how it is that certain people can cast doubt on
the reality of their sufferings and the loss of their loved ones
through denying the existence of homicidal gas chambers and
presenting the concentration camps as “Club Méditerranée”
holiday villages.
The historical methodology that consists
of relying on raw testimony, considered to be "sacrosanct", such as
the accounts of Bendel and Nyiszli lopping off the parts that seem
“dubious” or that “don’t fit” is a faulty methodology that
necessarily leads to imprecision [for example, in “Les
chambres à gaz ont existé” by G Welters, p. 113, Bendel’s
account is cut without any indication that this has been done (lines
9 and 10) and in “Les chambres à gaz Secret d'Etat”,
p. 205, the phrase concerning the presence of Himmler, considered
unlikely, disappears]. Not authenticated by original documents,
these early, precious, indispensible testimonies are full of
imprecisions, errors and non sequiturs, even though on some points
they correspond. They can be used only after historical verification
and with explanations. This is how the historians of the Oswiecim
Museum proceeded in producing their book “Auschwitz vu par les
SS”. Those who use raw testimony without taking such
precautions cause the careful and logical reader to spontaneously
reject the material. The “shaky” parts of the accounts, of low or
zero credibility, often systematically "forgotten" are put forward
BEFORE ANYTHING ELSE by the revisionist authors. |
* *
* | |
AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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