and Operation
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Translation of the inscriptions of the
sheet from Faurisson's tract: |
[Typed in the margin of the upper
drawing]: |
plan réel d'après toutes
publications antérieures Ici,
publication du musée d'Auschwitz true plan, according to
all previous publications. Here,
as published by the Auschwitz Museum. |
[Source of upper
drawing] |
KL Auschwitz, Photographic
documents, Krajawa Agencja Wydawnicza, Warsaw 1980. |
[Typed in the margin
of the lower drawing]: |
d'après “l’Album
d’Auschwitz” / according to the “Auschwitz
Album” |
[Source of lower
drawing] |
d’Auschwitz”, page 42, Editions du Seuil, Paris
1983 |
additions by Faurisson: |
· |
The existence of the prisoners’
football pitch next to Krematorium III is masked by the mention
“Secteur Hôpital / Hospital Sector” |
Original inscriptions
from the “Album d’Auschwitz” |
Nord /
North |
Zentral Sauna [baths
and disinfestation] |
Kläranlage I / Sewage
treatment station I |
Pumpenanlage / Pumping
station |
Crématoire II /
Krematorium II |
Voie 2 / Track 2
Kläranlage II / Sewage
treatment station II |
Effektenlagerstraße /
Effects camp road |
Crématoire IV /
Krematorium IV |
Ringstraße / Ring
road |
Crématoire V /
Krematorium V |
Réserve d’eau /
Reservoir |
Fosses de décantation
provisoires / Provisional decantation basins |
Canada II / Kanada
II |
Camp des femmes /
Women’s camp |
Entrée /
Entrance |
Voie 1 /
Track 1 |
Hauptstraße a / Main
road a |
Hauptstraße b / Main
road b |
Quai a / Platform
a |
Quai central / Central
platform |
Quai b / Platform
b |
Secteur Hôpital /
Hospital Sector |
Camp des Tziganes /
Gypsy camp |
Camp des hommes /
Men’s camp |
Industriestraße /
Industry road |
Camp des Hongroises /
Hungarian women’s camp |
Camp de Theresienstadt
/ Theresienstadt camp |
Lagerstraße / Camp
road |
1 |
Quai a / Platform a |
2 |
Quai b / Platform b |
3 |
Quai central / Central platform
(selection) |
4 |
Entrée de la Lagerstraße A /
Entrance from Lagerstrasse A |
5 |
Lagerstrasse A |
6 |
Hauptstrasse a |
7 |
B.IIe camp des Tziganes / Gypsy
camp |
8 |
B.II.f Secteur Hôpital /
Hospital sector |
9 |
B.III les barraques des effets /
Effects barracks |
10 |
Effektenlagerstrasse A
Kanada II |
11 |
Entrée du B.I / Entrance to B.I
12 |
Place d’appel du B.II.c camp des
Hongroises/ Assembly ground for B.IIc Hungarian women’s
camp |
13 |
Kanada II |
14 |
Hauptstrasse b |
15 |
Entrée du Crématoire II /
Entrance to Krematorium II |
16 |
Le Birkenwald / The Birch
Wood |
17 |
Face au Crématoire V / Facing
Krematorium IV |
Les numéros en chiffres arabes gras correspondent aux
zones de prises des photographies par les SS, classées dans l’ordre
de l’Album |
The bold arabic numbers correspond to the areas where
the photographs were taken by the SS, classified in the order of the
Album |
Drawing 3764 [Photo 22], an overall plan of the
Bauleitung camp was used as a basis for positioning the photographs
in the “Album d’Auschwitz” published by Seuil in
November 1983, for which I created the French version by adding
historical details to the original English text, rearranging the
order of the photographs and adding an annex on the four Birkenau
As soon as the “Album
d’Auschwitz” was published, a tract signed R Faurisson and
dated 9th December 1983 was received by different media
representatives, accusing me of betraying the |
“cause of the victims of the deportation ...
by a number of little tricks, of which here is an example:
· |
in order to make us think that the path taken by the
deportees finished up at Krematorien II and III, [this author has]
truncated the plan ofAuschwitz-Birkenau. |
· |
In reality, the road continued to the big shower and
disinfection [sic] center, the “Zentral Sauna”. |
· |
As will he seen below, we have marked with arrows the
two cuts unjustifiably made and we present the true plan of the
camp, as it appears in all the standard works. |
The verso of this text was the page reproduced here
[Photo 23], which was but the preamble to ten pages of
venomous criticism, which I was easily able to counter in an article
whose publication was not deemed necessary.
R. Faurisson,
the “professor”, who, far from being newcomer to the negation of the
existence of homicidal gas chambers, has already devoted 20 years of
his life to it, is capable of original thought, but is not above
appropriating the work of others, in well-tried academic fashion. He
hates the emergence of “new historical facts”, already being
exhausted by the specious intellectual efforts he had to make, at
least at the beginning of his “Affair” to try to refute the rare
(two) convincing documents known in France proving the reality of
the Birkenau gas chambers. Since then, he has been living on his
“legal reputation” acquired thanks to a decision of the Paris court
of appeal, 1st chamber, section A, of 26th April 1983, to the effect
that “it must be observed that the accusations of superficiality
levelled against him [R Faurisson] lack pertinence and are not
satifactorily established”, and at present “nobody can establish
proof of falsehood.” His method of historical investigation being
thus “recognized”, which would only be fair if he is indeed the
author, which still remains to be demonstrated, the fact remains
that he never pressed research to the limit for fear of finding the
strict truth. Furthermore, by virtue of this decision he is able to
drag before the courts anybody who accuses him of being a
“falsifier”, which is a strange state of affairs.
the original Bauleitung drawing with the Seuil drawing reveals the
low tricks to which I stooped. If Faurisson does not like the plan
of the POW camp, let him apply to the ex-Auschwitz Bauleitung, who
will be happy to show him about forty others, all different.
Unfortunately for Faurisson, these drawings are in Eastern Europe,
in Oswiecim, in the hands of the “Polono-Stalinist” falsifiers he
has so often denounced. As for the “standard works” he mentions, it
should be pointed out that the FIRST concrete evidence was published
in Poland in 1946, “Biuletyn I, Glownej Komisji Badania
Zbrodni Niemieckich w Polsce” [Bulletin I of the Central
Commission for the investigation of German crimes in Poland], and
includes a chapter on Auschwitz, certainly written by Judge Jan
Sehn, who selected precisely Bauleitung drawing 3764 of 23/3/44 to
represent the Birkenau camp [page 64, illustration 7]. I think it
was a good choice, because the drawing is clear.
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AUSCHWITZ: Technique
and operation of the gas chambers Jean-Claude Pressac © 1989, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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