Holocaust: |
Denial |
Mendacity |
An advertisement was recently placed in The
Bulletin by an organization known equally for its mendacity and for
its faulted principles. The editors of this newspaper rationalized the
inclusion of that advertisement claiming that they were defending the
advertisers rights of freedom of expression. We congratulate these young
people for their lofty principles, but respectfully point out that, in this
case at least, they are sadly mistaken.
The right to express ideas, no matter how odious, is clearly covered by
the First Amendment to the Constitution, but does this obligate a newspaper to
publish hate tracts? Consider, for example, what the editors might do if the Ku
Klux Klan wished to publish an advertisement stating that slavery was a myth.
Or if an homophobic organization promoted their belief that homosexuals will be
denied entrance to heaven? What if Stormfront wished to promote their
pro-white, anti-Mexican rhetoric in this fine newspaper? The list
is endless of those who have a right to express themselves but whose
advertisements would be offensive to some or all of the readers of this
Would the editors of this paper raise their voices in protest to
blatantly racist, mendacious, sexist or hate-ridden rhetoric? Why then did they
tolerate advertising copy that was offensive to a small ethnic minority and to
decent people everywhere?
Holocaust denial is nothing more than a modern form of anti-Semitism.
Deniers might cloak themselves in very respectable-sounding names such as the
Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust, or the Institute for Historical
Review, or the Adelaide Institute, but a brief perusal of their websites will
convince all but the most obtuse that denial serves little other purpose than
to bash Jews and blame them for all the ills in the world. Thanks to such a
mentality there are now only fifteen million Jews in the world. No doubt many
of such people like Mr. Smith wish that there were none.
Schindlers List is described by Mr. Smith as a cheap
novel. It is his right. It might also be sour grapes given the enormous
success that both the book and the film have had. Insinuating, however, that
this (or any) historical novel based on facts is a lie is tantamount to a claim
that the novel Andersonville by MacKinlay Kantor describes a
non-existent Civil War prison camp. There is overwhelming evidence in both
cases to prove beyond any doubt that both books were based on true facts. For
those inclined to doubt, a book entitled Schindlers Legacy, by
Elinor Brecher quotes personal testimonies, and publishes photographs and
documents of the Jews who were saved by Schindler.
An attack by Mr. Smith on the personal diary of a young and innocent
girl who died in a concentration camp after the Nazis had torn her and her
family from their home is utterly shameful. His claim that it was not her
personal diary is a lie. The Netherlands State Institute for War Documentation
presents irrefutable evidence of the diarys authenticity. Those who doubt
can read The Diary of Anne Frank: The Critical Edition , available in
most libraries.
Elie Wiesel is a Nobel Peace Prize winner. He does not need to be
defended from Mr. Smiths mephitical ululations. Those who doubt might
benefit from reading some of Elie Wiesels moving and factual books
starting with the three-volume collection of his writings: Against
Silence edited by Irving Abrahamson.
Holocaust deniers seek to rehabilitate Adolf Hitler and the National
Socialist regime. To their shame and regret the Holocaust stands in the way of
any such rehabilitation. Mr. Smiths asks
what crimes
against humanity [did] National Socialists commit[ted] that Republicans
and Democrats did not commit
? is symptomatic of the deniers
desire to whitewash the Nazi crimes. The answer to his question is quite
simply: The Holocaust.
This is not the proper forum to counter in detail Mr. Smiths
mendacious and odious advertisement. It would take pages of text to point out
each of his lies, distortions, half-truths, and quotations taken out of
context. We invite serious readers to visit our site on the internet and
express their ideas and doubts to our members. Questions will be answered with
documented information. |
600 Sandau, Suite 400
San Antonio, TX 78216
http://www.holocaust-history.org |
This is a response to
an advertisement that appeared in The Bulletin on January 31, 2000. It is the
work of Harry W. Mazal OBE who is alone responsible for its content. Please
also visit the Mazal Library at http://www.mazal.org |
© 2000
Harry W. Mazal OBE |