The Dachau Gas Chambers
- Distel, Barbara and Jakusch, Ruth,
Editors, Concentration Camp Dachau: 1933 - 1945, 1978,
Comité International de Dachau, Brussels, Lipp GmbH (Munich)
ISBN 3-87490528-4, p. 37.
- Reichsgesetzblatt Nr. 17,
March 21, 1933.
- Trial of the Major War Criminals before
the International Military Tribunal, 1947, United States
Government Printing Office, Document Number 778-PS, Exhibit Number
- Münchner Neueste
Nachrichten, March 21, 1933 (clipping).
- Hanfstaengl, Ernst, Hitler: The
Missing Years, 1957, Eyre & Spottiswoode (London), p. 53.
- Völkischer Beobachter,
March 21, 1933 (clipping).
- Rost, Nico, Concentration Camp
Dachau, third edition, translated into English by Captain
Bernard R. Hanauer (no date) Comité International de Dachau,
Brussels, p. 4.
- Distel, Barbara and Jakusch, Ruth,
Editors, op. cit., pp. 212-213.
- Distel, Barbara and Jakusch, Ruth,
Editors, op. cit., p. 73.
- Beimler, Hans, The Nazi Murder Camp
of Dachau: Four Weeks in the Hands of Hitler's Hell-Hounds,
Modern Books, Ltd. (London).
- Berben, Paul, Dachau 1933-45: The
Official History, translated into English by Captain Bernard R.
Hanauer, 1968, 1975, Comité International de Dachau, ISBN
0-85211-009, p. 200. (See also photograph of exhumation between pp.
192 and 193.)
- Neuhäusler, Dr. Johannes, Auxiliary
Bishop of Munich, What was it like in the Concentration Camp at
Dachau?, 14th Edition, (no date), Trustees for the Monument of
Atonement in the Concentration Camp at Dachau, (München), (a) p.
- Neuhäusler, Dr. Johannes, Auxiliary
Bishop of Munich, op. cit. p. 30.
- Distel, Barbara and Jakusch, Ruth,
Editors, op. cit., pp. 170 and 171.
- Distel, Barbara and Jakusch, Ruth,
Editors, op. cit., p. 172.
- Berben, Paul, op. cit., pp. 8 and 176.
- Trials of War Criminals before the
Nuernberg Military Tribunals, Vol. 5, "The Pohl Case,"
Translation of Secret Documents NO-3863 and NO-3680, Superintendent of
Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (Washington D.C.) pp.
- Berben, Paul, op. cit., p. 7.
- Rost, Nico, op. cit. p. 28.
- Dwork, Debórah and van Pelt,
Robert Jan, Auschwitz: 1270 to the Present, 1996, W.W.
Norton & Co., Inc. (New York), ISBN 0-393-03933-1, p. 220.
- Dwork, Debórah and van Pelt,
Robert Jan, op. cit. Page 222.
- Pressac, Jean Claude, Auschwitz:
Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, 1989, The Beate
Klarsfeld Foundation (New York), p. 18.
- Neuhäusler, Dr. Johannes, Auxiliary
Bishop of Munich, op. cit., p. 16.
- Berben, Paul, op. cit., pp. 8-9.
- Neuhäusler, Dr. Johannes, Auxiliary
Bishop of Munich, op. cit., p. 15.
- Berben, Paul, op. cit., p. 240 (Appendix
- Berben, Paul, op. cit., pp. 123-137.
- Bundesarchiv Koblenz.
- Best, Captain S. Payne, The Venlo
Incident, 1950, Hutchison & Co., (Publishers), Ltd.
(London), p. 186. [A curious note regarding Rascher's death appears on
p. 203 of Nazi Mass Murder (Eugen Kogon et al., Eds.,
1993): "Dr. Rascher and his wife (also condemned to death) had tried
to pass off as biologically their own two children they had merely
taken into their home. That this could be made an offense punishable
by death is yet another incredible aspect of the Nazi regime."]
- Benz, Wolfgang, "Sigmund Rascher, M.D.: A
Career," pp. 22/45 Dachau Review 2: History of Nazi
Concentration Camps Studies, Volume 2, 1990, Edited by Wofgang
Benz and Barbara Distel, Comité International de Dachau
(Brussels), p. 45.
- Hess, P. Sales O.S.B. Dachau: eine
Welt ohne Gott, 1946, Sebaldus-Verlag, Nürnberg, pp.
170-171. (Translation from the German by Harry W. Mazal.)
- United States Army, Stars and
Stripes, May 3, 1945.
- Sack, Joel, Dawn After
Dachau, 1990, Shengold Publishers, Inc. (New York), 1990, ISBN
0-88400-141-5, pp. 44-45.
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