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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of June, 2000. What a shame for the JEWS
I have discovered your site about one year ago and since then I've visited it now and then, often skimming through your guest book. I notice that insulting or unreasonably hostile messages are very few. I think this is encouraging, for it must either mean that among web surfers there are far less neo-nazis and like, than is commonly supposed, or that many though they are, real information and objectivity inhibit most of them. Either case amounts to a tribute to your work, as far as the past is concerned. I wonder, however, how many of your visitors realize that next, or present, Hitlers, do not necessarily rave against this or that people,and threaten their existence in so many words, but rather promise to build a faultless, problemless world . Also owing, perheaps, to my nationality ( I'm italian) I have never myself been able to understand exactly why so many europeans were disposed to turn antisemitic . I suppose they were led to believe that their life would be made better without Jews, but why exactly did they find this believable, I hardly know. What I do know is that people, in industrialized as well as in underdeveloped countries, still have problems, and may still be tempted to blame them on Jews, or catholics, or muslims or anyone who's not as they are. Don't you think that enlightening us about what exactly not Hitler, but Europeans at large, held against the Jews, would also add significance and scope to your work? anna
Kids must know what's happened. I will try to put your site's address in the schoolbook I'm writing.
This site was really handy I will definatly do well on my coursework thank you lots
I think the jews had a terrible all because of a very evil man called hitler, i think they should never ever be war again.
thank you for the information on the Holocaust I might get an Aon my report
The jews were very un fortunate to have had a mass killing and it was the worse thing ever to happen in the war.
the holocaust was a great disaster
The holocaust should have never happened it was a great destruction of the jews comunite and I feel sorry for them jews and there familes who died
The Holocaust is the worst thing that ever happened
This is a very interesting and helpful website and I find the information on why David Irving's claims are wrong particularly helpful for my research.
This webpage is very lousy andsucks
I am glad there are sites like yours so that this abomination will never be forgotten. Never again!
i have read alot of books on the holocaust.some are so sad .like anne franks diary i havent read all of it but her story is so sad."IN MY HANDS"was such a good book.it was about a 17 year old girl who helped save many jews throught that rough time.i am not a jew but i still feel sadness.who ever is a jew from that time(1931-1945)an has to live with that sorrow evreydayof thier life.i feel so bad for you.if you would like to share your story with me e-mail me at:Asekfriends@aol.com.but if you would not like to then thats alright also.i am an 11 year old girl who is very intrested in that time period.please if you would like e-mail me i would love to hear your story. sincerly, emily,11
I teach high school history and have found this information extremely helpful in establishing a Holocaust education program on both the standard and AP levels. Not only does the program focus on the history of this event but points out the dangers of racism. Thanks for having this information available.
Making an 'Aliya' to Israel is the first step one can make , in order to insure that - 'Never again'
The Holocaust has always been something that I liked to talk about in history class...actually it's the only part of the entire class I understood. I think this site is really great because it helps people to understand how terrible life was during that period in time. Well that's all I have to say except I hope it never happens again!
i just got back from the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. I saw some of the conditions that these people had to live with just for being themselves and I was deeply saddened. It makes you very greatful that in the U.S. we have freedom of religion and so on. I am also very disappointed that there is no WW2 memorial in Washington D.C.
I just returned froma visit to the camp near the town of Dachau. Our small party was able to see first hand remnants of the terrible conditions there. Also was able to see the religious memorials erected at the end of the camp to commemorate the persons who suffered and died there. We also were given a tour by Martin Zaidenstadt, who now at 88 years of age, returns daily as a memorial to his best friend who died in this camp. Thank you, Herr Zaidenstadt, for your personal touch of your tragic story.
This is a commendable task you have undertaken here. I thank you for the wealth of information presented. Nie wieder. Never again.
I am doing a project on pre-war Jewish life in Poland. Can anyone direct me to special resources on this secific topic? Please, no general Holocaust resources. Thank you very much, and kudos to holocaust-history on an outstanding site.
I just wanted to say that this a very informative site. About 4 years ago I played Miep Gies in the "Diary of Anne Frank". Our director made us learn all we could about the holocaust and it has intrigued me ever since. As part of our production we had some special guests who do a traveling art show, the artwork is all done by children of survivors. It was a wonderful experience to talk to these people and listen to their stories. I have watched many movies and read many books about it and it never ceases to chill me when I think about it. Like all the others have said "NEVER FORGET what happened". We must educate everyone--through this we will conquer and world peace will be attained. I am not jewish but I feel the connectiong strongly. I had a hard time doing the play after I learned all the horrifying details, in the ending scene I cried ever day listening to "Mr. Frank" talk about tryin to find his family. I know that they are only one family and they were highly publicized but what's significant about that is that they are like ALL the families who were taken to the camps, they all lost someone and the survivors had to try and piece the families together. God bless you all!
Hi, In the past I have read a number of texts on the holocaust including Rudolf Hoess memoirs. However, I have recently been exploring modern day morality and my meandering web searchs came across some denial sites, some of which have, to the open minded, "evidence" that requires a second look. I am very glad that your sites exists as it helped me to understand. Some of the denial arguments are initially compelling - I am glad people have taken the time to reveal how niave these arguments are. Thank you
A good unbiased site about the holocaust
This site made me cry. I was shocked to read some of the terrible crimes commited by Hitler & his henchmen.
Austrian Gedenkdienst
Hello, I invite readers of this guestbook to visit holocaust revisionist Bradley Smith's CODOH Commentary Board at http://www.codoh.org/bbs/ . There is a fascinating discussion about the Rudolf Report, which shows that mass gassings of humans were impossible in any of the alleged gas chambers, and Richard Green's attempts to refute the Rudolf Report located at this site at http://www.holocaust-history.org/auschwitz/chemistry/not-the-science/ . Please join in the discussion. Thanks.
May God bless you and the work you are doing.
I think it was discusting what the Germans did to the Jews, they should have been prosicuted themselves. As for your web site I find it very interesting
Hello my name is Darius and I live in England. My grandfather was a young jewish czech when the Nazis entered the counry. I have decided to do an A-level history individual assignment on WW2 refugees and found your site (especially the essays and book recommendations) very useful indeed. Thank you.
Powerful site. I have been studying this disaster for years and the situation looks grimmer and grimmer each time I find something new. E-mail if you know other sources for study.
Hi, well ever since I first heard about the terrible Holocaust, I have been amazed to see and learn about the atrocities that mankind is capable of bestowing upon another human being. I strongly believe that nobody in the world is entitled to hate anyone else or segregate anyone because of the persons sex, color, religion, creed, sexual orientation, or anything else that human beings have managed to find as an excuse to accuse someone of being different, because we are all different and that's what makes us interesting creatures. What happened during W.W.II happened and we should all learn from it and never forget it because as long as we can have in mind what happened and why it happened, because of ONE, very narrow-minded, uneducated, and very heartless man, God forbid, history could once again repeat itself, and the Holocaust could be something of the past that happened in vain. Until the world and it's inhabitants can understand and see clearly that eventhough we are all different, we are also the same, we all have beating hearts, minds that were given to us to think, dreams, inspirations, love for our families, and the right to live, the world will become a better place for everyone. God love me and God loves everyone of his creations no matter what. May God be in everyone's heart now and always. Believe in God and love everyone
Just wanted to leave a message of support. I'm tired of reading arguments between people who have no idea how to debate. Or people who use the dirtiest of tricks to discredit their opposition. It's quite bizarre that someone would voice an opinion, read your opposing argument and then say that you are trying to censor them. It doesn't make sense. There are a lot of stupid people out there.
You are one of the most sinister doctors to ever grace the face of the earth. You ARE A F****N' LITTLE WEASLE and if i ever clap eyes on any member of your familly i'll do what you did to 6,000,000 jews
Thankyou so much for an informative yet refreshing read. I feel that a comendation must be submited to the master-craftsmen that compiled this extraordinary site. I rarley find such web-sites that can offer so much.
Can anyone give me a contact email addresses for Fred Leuchter and Deborah Lipstadt. I am doing a personal study on the holocaust denial, and i am researching arguments for and against, so any help would be greatly appreciated! Cheers. Mike
I am very thankful for you people for creating this page because I am fascinated with the Holocaust and I think that more people should read about it. I cannot believe the kinds of torture that the German's put these people through. These innocent people were treated like savages. They were hurt and abused and killed and this all happened because of one man. When people tell me that one man in this small, petty world doesn't matter, I strongly disagree. Adolf Hitler was only one man. Yes, he did have people following him and his beliefs but that was because he saw Germany in a time of crisis and he saw this as his oppurtunity to finally make his voice and opinions heard. He wanted the Jews to pay for everything that they ever did to him, But what did they ever really do? One or two people may have hurt him, and they might have been Jewish but that doesn't give him the right to blame jews for all the evil in the world and to kill them by the millions. Nobody has that right, not even God himself . To all those people who don't believe in the Holocaust, they are living in a world of denial. The Holocaust did happen and milions of people died for one man's ridiculous beliefs. If anyone is offended or want to agree with these statements that I am saying or just want to talk to me or hear more opinions, email me at jojo7769@hotmail.com. I enjoy hearing what people have to think about what I think Thank you_Joanne McDonald
im doing an essay on how the holocaust was helped by ordinarty germans...and ur site has been great. to those who think ther holocaust waso rganised nad implemented by a few...think again....germans, not just nazis...were responsible. never forget the past......forgive....never forget.....and israel is lioving proof of the stength of the jewish peole. long may it live.. feel free to email me any comments you may have, agreeing or otherwise
It is so important to inform people of these events. Only through educating people can we stop these horrendous acts from ever happening again.
I have been doing research on the Holocaust for about 6 years now and this is one of the best and most informative web sites I have encountered. All of the events occurred before I was born but this along with other events in history should never be forgotten.
This really helped me with my work! I can't believed this really happened
I was born in Denmark. I remember!
I hate to think people whould deny that the holocaust ever happened. It seems to me to be a slap in the face to those who lost everything. I would like to say to anyone who survived that I admire your courage and I will never forget.
Thank you for the site. Please - Never forget. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not for eternity. Remember the victims. Remember that each was born; to grow,to live and to love.Remember that they had names, families,hope, imagination, memories and beating hearts. Imagine them before they were murdered. They were like you and me. Remember the men and women who died trying to stop the Nazis. Remember- if you live by the Sword then you will die by the Sword. If Nations forget their past, they are destined to repeat it. To all who suffered, may you live in eternal peace. Thank you for the good people in the World.
I cried.
Hello! I am a student at Ocean View High School. I just want to say thank you . This website helped me a lot on my project. In my world history class we were supose to do a report about the Jewish people in Warsaw Ghettos. I used the imformations and pictures base on this website and I got a really good grade on it so thank you. Thank You, Katie Tran
I wasn't intending to add a comment of my own, but the comments of Abdullah and Daniel Whetherby moved me to put- you could say-keyboard to screen. Although I realise that obviously what the Nazis did during the war, was a unnecessary and unacceptable tragedy, I myself know many germans and feel that they, their country and their government of today should not be regarded in the same way as people regard the Nazis. This attitude is what causes more of the problems. It's misinformed people like Abdullah who don't really know what they're saying and have a hatred for people different to them. in no way do i agree with what Hitler did, but no-one should have hatred directed at them for the wrong-doings of a man most of them never had as the leader of their government. I know that I am only fourteen, and that survivors of the death- camps may see things differently, but learning about what happened, thanks to webpages like this, might help people form a new and better informed opinion of those they dislike. Good Luck to everyone, Givernie x
I think that your web page has really helped me with my History project. An excellent site with a enormous volume of relevent material. An absolute must for anyone interested in holocaust history!
i was helping my neice with a school project and felt that i needed to say something. i too feel horrible with what happened, but why dwell on it? why "hunt" down the "murderers'? they were following orders, just like our soldiers follow orders. yes, the past repeats itself, lets focuse on how to stop what's going on now instead of dwelling on the past. i'm second generation born in the u.s.a. and i still have alot of family over in germany, when i go to visit, you wouldn't believe the racism that is going on there towards the germans. good god, give it a rest!! my grandparents didn't have anything to do with the holocaust so why are people racist towards them? people need to get on with their lives, it may sound cruel but i believe this situation made people stronger which is good but it also made people bitter,angry,racist,and head hunters!!
I'm very interseted in the holocaust the Nazis were really cruel to the Jewish. It disgusts me. Event though I'm catholic, I think that Jews are are the most special because of what they went through.
I think that it was really sad that all those people had to die knowing that they didn't do anything wrong!
I am doing an assignment on the Jewish history and this web sit really helped me get started! Thanks a lot!!
Hey everyone. I just wanted to say that your web page rocks. I also was looking at some of the comments in the guestbook, and it never fails to amaze me how people are still judgementle of eachother. REMEMBER THE HOLOCAUST!!!! All you racest are imature fruits!
Hi there!
I'm only looking for information. I was born in 1946. My father served in the war and never shirked from condemning the atrocities at the many camps. He taught me to care about what happens to other people and to fight for truth and honesty. I am pleased to have found these pages it will help to inform me even further. It must never be forgotten and we must continually strive to see that wherever atrocities occur they are dealt with properly by an international community and not swept under the carpet. I think that I will be returning to these pages regularly. Whoever is responsible for this site - I thank you and wish you well.
I am trying to trace the history of an individual on behalf of my Uncle, who is a collector of WWII letters and recently aquired several letters relating to the Holocaust, the details are below: Dr. ISIDOR JOSEPH TREIDEL Address: MAINZERSTRASSE 10A KOBLNZ (1941) KASTERPFAFFENSTRASSE 12 KOBLENZ (1942) Also ERNA SARA TREIDEL Same address as above PROFESSION: Legal "CONSULTANT" (KONSULENT) JEWISH IDENTITY CARD No. : A00001, KOBLENZ I would be gratefull if anyone could email me with any help/links to useful Sites which could provide assistance in tracing this person. Once again many thanks Mr A P Briggs
A unified Germany is dangerous to the rest of the human race. Germany should NEVER be trusted. Allowing any Germans to be involved in any military activity today is a crime and those who allow this are either very stupid or have short memories.
I have been going to all the sites listed on this subject. It started with meeting a man on Venice Beach CA 25yrs. ago. He owned the L&A Market. Al and his wife were two of the nicest people I have known. They couldn't see people going hungry on the beach and would call them into the store and feed them no matter what walk of life. I use to do auto. repairs for them and during this time noticed the faded tatoes on there forarms. Al didn't like getting into the subject much and even less when his wife was around. I respected thier pain and said I would find answers else where. I DID, MORE QUESTIONS and LESS UNDERSTANDING OF WHY THIS COULD AND DID HAPPEN....I still can't understand how anyone could take pictures of children playing as they were being walked to thier death. May all that suffered know everlasting peace now.
This is a great site. Keep up the good work
what you whant wuzzz up
A lovely and very moving website welldone!!
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Last modified: April 6, 2009