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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of March, 2001. I would just like to say that is a very interesting site, and for me to be half German...is very emotional to see. I'm only 15, yet i still like to learn more and more about it. The Holocaust is a very interesting time that happened to my family as well as my ancestors. Not only was it a very bad thing what happened, but it helped shape our country to what it is now. I like to learn about the things that went on, and what actually happened. It's very interesting to see how something to terrible could happen on our earth. It's also interesting to learn about something that deals with my family. All in all I like your site, and it's history. Alot of people say that I should be ashamed of my ancestors, and that I should be ashamed of being German, but I'm not. Thank you for putting such a historical site on here. And for me to learn more.
Words cannot describe how I feel about the Holocaust adequately, and I have had these feelings since I was a girl. However, your response to "Poles and the Holocaust," was very poor. You glossed over totally what Hitler and the Nazis did to this country and ALL its people. No other country came to its aid while Germany reeked havoc and total devastation upon Poland. Was it Poland's fault that the Nazis chose to locate their biggest concentration camps there? There have been ignorant people throughout the world since the beginning of time. There have also been antisemitic people throughout the world since Biblical times. Poland having to suffer residual effects for eternity due to concentration camps being on its soil, both angers and saddens me as much as the actual Holocaust itself! After all these years the Nazis continue to "put the screws" to Poland. I will have to research this, but I think it is true: there were more Jewish people living in Poland than any other country in the world at the beginning of the War. What does that tell you? While other countries had pogroms or expelled the Jews from time immemorial, they found a home in Poland. Besides the Nazis laying waste to Poland and its people, she also had to endure the Russians, who were just as horrible as the Nazis. My father was 10 years old when his family was deported to a Siberian concentration camp. The world does not know about this other Holocaust, and that is the Holocaust of the non-Jewish Polish people. I wish that Steven Spielberg would tell that story. All those interested to learn about this, please go to: http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Parliament/6764/intro.html
i was wondering if you could send me any picuters of the holocasut fo my history project
I've been trying to find information about children of the holocaus for a classproject and this is the perfect website thanks
Hey!!!This is a great site, but it needs more pictures!!I have been looking all around for an enlarged picture of Naomi Posinova, a girl thatwas sent to a ghetto when she was 7, and i cant find it any where!!WWW.GRACEPRODUCTS.COM is also a good site, but it doesnt hav as much info as this does.THANX!!!!
This was a very helpful site and I'm glad that someone is doing something to remember all that suffered and died.
I just wanted to let you know that i really enjoyed visiting your site. It helped me out a lot on a project for Language class. I don;t have an email address but i just wanted to congratulate you on a very good website!! Thank you so much, Kate
This is a great site!!
I thought this web site was awesome!!We are doing a project in English, and this helped a lot. I think kids need to learn a lot about what happened so we can chang what will happen in the future.
this was a horrible tragedy that took many lives and i wish it would have never happened
this page helped me for my holocaust projet for social studies class i got great infomation for my 4 page eassy and great pictures for the project and great inforemation for my 2 min speech so thanks,thanks and many more for this great rescouse.
I am doing a literary portfolio on the Holocaust for my A.P. English class, and this site was a big help providing me with documents.
thanks this site really helped me to under stand the holocaust.I dont see how people could be so mean too anyone know matter what the race or religon. this page i think will help me do my report on the holocaust.
Um... I thought this site had many fact'n stuff, but I needed PICTURES to portray to students in my English class the pain you can see in peoples eyes. The site says it contains pictures but I have been looking for 10 minutes and have found no pictures at all. I think some should be put on or at least shown how to get to.
I like the site, but there is something about it that gives me the wrong impression about the Holocaust and it's history. Those that feel that this is a good site, that which it is, should check out other sites to do there research and other projects. Here are some of the other sites that I have checked out to do some of my projects on. 1. www.holocausthistory.com 2. www.theholocaust.com 3. www.holocaustnames.com 4. www.yahoo/holocaust.org/html These are the four site that hae been most helpful to me and may be helpful to you as well. sicerely your, Chad Woods.
I wont go "wow" or any other superlative....i founf the articles very honest and accurate...and in some cases very moving....i will be visiting again and again.........Thank you........Fran Wade
dude, that was some pretty harsh stuff, how can someone be that eveil, i feel bad for all those dudes and dudets that died
show pictures
This website rox It really does help me on my project.
this sight was very useful and very sad! i have been interested in the holocuast for a year iam 15 years old! and all you cock suckers that diss the Jews you will go strait to hell! you bitches
Great Site!!! You've been a wonderful help in my research paper reguarding the Holocaust and whether it actually occurred. Keep up the good work, this site is great! Thanks.
Hay i am doing a report on the "final solution" if any one could e-mail me so good info to jonoyeah@hotmail.com that would be great thanks. This is a great site and has been a big help thanks to all who worked on it.
Hey,Well i'm doing a project on holocaust suvivors. I have read many stories and have been to exhibits but one thing left on my mind is...What did the jews do BEFORE the war? Live a everyday normal life? Did they know what was coming? If you have any information on this please e-mail me. Thanks
nazis were wrong 2 what they did to the poor jews
I am so thankful that there is a site like this one for people to learn more about the Holocaust. I am doing a research paper and this site helped me so much
Hey This site is really Imformitive on the holocaust and its horrors. The holocaust was a horrible period in history! Adolph Hitler's actions and or reasons for the mass murders and torturing millions of people can never be explained but it can be prevented from happeneing again. This site and other sites need to keep on giving people the information on the holocaust to prevent it from happening again! ~*~Britt~*~ 13 female Delaware
The holocaust is very serious. Get more facts please, i'd like pictures, not opinions, essays, etc. My friend and I are doing a project on the Holocaust for our 8th grade English class, and we need more information, i.e. : FACTS AND PICTURES! Thank you for your understanding. Have a great day, and God bless! From, "Shorty" (Whittney) and "Scotty" (Amanda)
Hi! Before you start reading, I want you to reply me. I am also writing a eassay on Hitler?Why he was famous in Germany?Why they liked him and what role did propagan played. Please reply me back. I will not copy or steal your information.
Im a freshman in college and I am taking a english class based on the Holocaust. This site is really great, I have gotten alot of info from here and just want to say thanks. thanks J
i am in 10th grade an i have just got done reading "Night", this book really made me open my eyes to see what really went on. And i almost feel angry but what can you do. God bless the jews....
I thought your website was very helpful for my project and I was very touched by what it said!
I must say right off I have only read your guest book because I think I'd just get too upset if I visited your site itself. Some day I might. I also haven't seen "Schindler's List" for similar reasons The horrible fate of the Jews during WWII was indeed one of the worst things that has ever happened, but things as terrible or nearly as terrible have happened to other peoples in the crime-besotted history of the human race. I think it's very important for people to know about man's inhumanity to man in a more balanced way than focusing in so preeminently on Jewish suffering (although it should not be ignored). How many millions of people have been murdered by bloodlusting fanatics this century? Many tens of millions, most of them not Jewish. A book that I think is pretty right on is "The Holocaust Industry," written by a Jewish professor at, I think, Columbia University. His point is that the terrible tragedy of the holocaust is being used for a lot of very cynical and unjust purposes. Another book I would recommend is "The Culture of Critique" by Kevin MacDonald, professor at Cal State Long Beach, which argues that Jews have a tendency to undermine the society they are living in so that they can protect and promote their own interests within that society. I largely agree with his thesis, although I consider neither MacDonald nor myself an anti-semite. Anti-semitism I define as hatred of Jews. It should not be defined as criticism of Jews. By the way, I think we have a very insidious Nazi-like threat that has oozed its way into society, namely anti-white racism that goes unopposed, to give just one example: Malcolm X on a U.S. postage stamp. (Just in case you don't know, Malcolm expressed great joy in hearing that a planeload of white people crashed on one occasion.) Spike Lee is another like him. Anyway, the holocaust was horrible and evil. Unfortunately, people as hateful as Hitler are going pretty well unopposed at present in this country.
wow u have very good information. your essays made me want to travel back in time and save all the people who died. before this i never even thought about how many people died. thankyou
The subject of the Holocaust is by far the most interesting but terrifying subject I have ever learned. It should be learned over and over again in all grades! This is one of the only subject in English that I've ever been moved by or even cared about throughout the years! The website is one of the best most informative websites there is on the Internet. It could really make you cry.
Hello! I have to do a report about the SS and were looking up for information of original SS- documents. I found them here, thank you very much, I took even other information from Auschwitz for example because you never canīt let out such a serious topic. But there were so much victims next to the Jews, people from Roland or Russia for example; why donīt you enlarge your site over these topics? But the rest of this site is created very well and informative. Thank you! Ralf Matthe
the holocaust is the best subject i have ever studied. It is so sad what those people had to go trough. i hope they all can rest in peace.
I have to admit, i liked some of the info provided, however, you want the truth, you can't handle the truth.Te fact of the matter is there were not any where near 6 million Jews killed in this Holyhoax, as there were not 6 million Jews in and around Germany at the time.And further more, the pictures that you are shown of the supposed Holyhoax victoms, were not at all Jews, But Germans, killed in Dresden, after the war.RAHOWA! Delenda Est Judaica!
I love this website. It is a perfect place were I can find information. This is for a Social Studies report. Thank you, Desirae
Wow, no words can describe how I feel about the holocaust. It's by far the best history subject and should be covered in Year 9 so everyone has the chance. I just happen to have chosen this for my Art Gcse project and nothing has ever moved me more!
I love this website. It has everything I need. I m re-creating the Nuremburg trials in my history class and this helped me (as one of the prosocution lawyers) find the evidence that I needed against the nazi's. I never woud've found a site this good if my history Teacher wouldn't have told me about it.
I love reading about the holocaust.Especially Anne Frank living durnig this time.I learned qalot about the Holocaust this month and I want to learn more about it on this website
I love this website! I never would've found it if my teacher, Mrs. Ray wouldn't have told us to look up the holocaust.
I was given numerous websites about the Holocaust but this website told me EVERYTHING. Thanks for helping out for my report on the Holocaust.
great page!
I was suppose to write a history website review on any topic of my choice. the holocaust was the first thing that came to my mind. When I found this website I was amazed at all the information that I was able to obtain from just one site. I found myself looking at this site in more detailed than I needed because everything seemed so fascinating to me. this is a great website! I gave it a good review !! : )
sup? I was looking for info on the Hitler youth in Nuremberg, for my English class...yup! Peace out.
We visited the Jewish Holocaust museum last year and it shed some light on the brutality of the Holocaust and what really happened. What makes Jews different to everyone else?? Why do we classify them by their religion? Tell me you would introduce your friend as Jack the catholic?? Or Rebecca the Prodestant. I have friends who are Jewish and they have to live with the constant pig headedness of rascists. I acknowledge that the Holocaust isnt the only event of this kind, but it is significant because it took the deaths of 6 million people to get the point across that rascism and discrimination is NOT right. im part german and im ashamed that my ancestors were even involved in this and to admit that im even german. This is a fantastic site, keep up the good work
I would like to take a second or two to congratulate all the people who have contributed to The Holocaust-History Project. In my years of dealing with Holocaust Deniers and Revisonists, I have been fortunate to have accessed and perused all of the major Holocaust sites on the internet. Without a doubt, the Holocaust-History Project Site stands at the forefront of sites listing information in a fair, unbiased manner. Even though, as always, the Deniers will find some way to degrade the quality of information found here, it stands on it's own merits as factual and informative. History being stated as it occurred, not the way someone else would want it to "appear to be". Once again, my heartfelt congratulations to all involved here. Your work makes a difference. Respectfully, Sammers Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Thank you for providing this site. It helped me do a research project in school.
This site has proved to be very informative,and I am pleased to announce that it will be placed as a link on my school's website. Thanks!
i am doing a report on the holocaust for my english report. any information you can supply me with this horrible event will greatly be accepted. i am interested in survivors stories, pictures, and other reports made by kids like me interested in the event. i am 100% german and even though i wasn't alive back than, this event makes it hard for me to be proud of my race. it makes me ill to know that i would of been allowed to live because i am german and i have blonde hair and blue eyes. thank you.
I think that this is a very good site to find information about the holocaust. It has assisted me in completing a paper about the holocaust for a class project. thank you.
this is a good site to find info on the holocaust
It is gratifying to read scholarly essays on this subject. Those of us in the younger generations find this detail and analysis crucial to our continuing refutation of the "Deniers". Thank you for this great site!
We're studing the Holocaust in our History class and I just wanted to comment on how TERRIBLE of an even I think it was that took place. I read on another site that out of the 3,300,000 population of Jewish people in Poland, only 300,000 were left. That's just terrible! Well, thanks for the information and I hope and pray that nothing like this happens again. Thanks again. Jessica
I do not understand the Holocaust even after visting this page ! I even watched Shindler's List! If anyone can explain it to me PLEASE PLEASE e-mail me !! Thanks
It is a good site.
This info is great although I think that it should be a little more organized. like by subject of time period.
It is very appropriate of you to bring about the facts of fascist brutality against the Jews. The material posted here has established beyond doubt that the holocast occured without any agency trying to do prevent it. I feel that all nations had blundered and sinned and allowed such a sin to continue for such a long period in the thirties and forties and may be still ready to do so. I feel that your site will enlighten those who argue that the holocast may not have occured, or the events were exagerrated. I request the Holocast memorial organisations to bring out the happenings of the past openly to future and present generations. Since there are many people who are still not sympathetic to those horrific incidents and go to the extent of feeling a thrill over those incidents.
I'm looking for information on the files of the Swiss banks who hid money for all these years. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm looking for a way that I can help. I want to contribute, somehow. Does anyone know of any Holocaust Memorial Museums, websites, or organizations that would be able to use a Graphic Designer's skills? I am a digital print expert, and can create brochures, direct mail or other advertising collateral materials. I can do photo-retouching, and some web design as well. If anybody knows of a Holocaust-related job that I could do, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks.
I came to this website as a reference for a college research paper. It supplied a lot of good, quality information. Thank you!
Well i'm a christian and i am extreme baby.
i was doin a school project and i came across this site. i would like to thank whoever that rus this site i found a lot of things that i could use chris age 14
This web site is great for Project Fairs. I found a lot of information.It was also very educational.
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Hello the first thing I want to say is that I think its very inportment that a site like this is there for everyone who wants to now about the holocaust i think the world war 2 is the wurst there ever was.I self didn't was born then but i think its something that we never ever must forget all those people that were killed I read a lot of books over the holocaust and it brings tears to my eyes every time I read or see anything about it(the books I read where" Holocaust" ,Anne frank,Hitler, and I saw a lot on the television )I think our children have to know about it how could this happend?what is happend those people all killed in gas chambers is,it so very teribblle what is happend.I hate hitler and the people who worked with him!(i hope you don't find my mail to you to long but this is something I wanted to say)my father lived in the war he survived(he was not a judd)but he seen teribblle things he told me a lot about it so I know a lot i can still see the tears in his eyes when he spokes he about the world war 2.At last I want so say that I think of all the people who died every day.I hope that more people do !This should never happend again! greettings Nellie from holland. And keep your site as it is so that ever one can read about the holocaust!
hi i'm doing a history project on the holocaust and this site is awsome! i was wondering if anyone has stats on how many jews, gypsies, gays, and others were who killed. also any survivors stories would be awsome!! thanx again for the awsome site!!
The complete Holocaust History is quite disturbing to read about to realize that so many innocent men, women and children were massicured. It troubles the soul to think about it. Hopefully we have learned from the past and something like this will never happen again.
i like coming to this website and finding the info. that i need ???i just want u to know that i like this website cause i could do my H.W. ******c-ya !!!!****^^^^^*****
Oh my God I had like this history project on the holocaust and it was due in like 3 days and I had totally forgotten about it and I like found this website and I was so totally excited. It was like a dream come true.I had everything I needed. Oh yeah....I got a 98% on it!!
I am doing a school project on the history of the Holocaust. Your web has helped me a great deal. If you would like to see our schools project come. Friday the 16th we will have a holocaust survivor speaking. Thank you for your help. I will remember the dead every day from now on.
Hi this was my first time being here and I found all the info I needed to find for my project. My teacher sujested other web sites but not this one and this is the best!!!!!! Danielle~13~
Thank you for allowing students an opportunity to use your site for documented research. I am a Social Studies teacher (World history,US,and Texas history.)
we are doing a world history project for a our sophomore history class!! thanks for the info on the holocaust!!
Hey. I'm doing an extensive term paper on "Tearing Down Walls-The Making and Affects of the Man Adolf Hitler." I am trying to get in contact with survivors or relatives of survivors. Any information anyone has regarding that would be greatly appreciated. I really enjoyed your website also. Thank you.
This site has a great archive of works that I would love to peruse, but I , sadly , don't have time enough this class period. I would like to thank all who contributed to the starting of this site, and congratuleate them on an incredible source of information.
our english class is doing research on the holocust an need information on otto frank!! so if you have information then please send it to me!
I really like this website!
Hi, I really like this website! I wouldn't have came here if my teacher, Mrs. Ray made us come here as an assignment.
I am doing a project in school on the Holacaust, and I am very i treasted in finding out more about what happened in this time period.S owhen you get this message can you please send me some infomation on the Holacaust? Thank You Erica
This is a good site in finding a lot of stuff for my book report
What happen in the coscentration camps was bad. I prey every day for this special people. Any time I se one,I see David, Jesus Abraham. I wish the survivors may forgive some Germans. When do we are going to learn that this is YHVH's people.
This website ROCKS, because it has so much information about the holocaust. I needed a little info and I found a ton. Thank You.
This is a really cool website because i said it is!!!
I feel strongly about your ideals on this page of the internet
This is a really good web site ! I even downloaded it ! Thanks for all the great info. I love history on the holocaust ! I'm writing a play with my friend and this helped alot ! The glossary is great ! I enjoyed the quotes. That Himmler said and did cruel stuff, just like Hitler ! I find it very difficult to love Hitler, even tho God, the real God loved him so much that He died on the cross for Him - and you too !The Bodie Theone books do a great job of showing what the holocaust was like - YOU should read them ! This is a very exellent web page ! Keep up the already GREAT work !
Im very interested in World War II. I have been followinf this stuff since 6th grade. Im a ninth grader now, and I have learned alot of stuff about it all. It was a very tragic event to happen. This site has been really interesting to follow! Thank you!
Another source of information which presents the real life situations of the Holocast, and creates with it a new way of analysing how ppl survive through torture and applying it to "new" approaches in pychiatric theraphy. No one knows each others suffering, only hopefully by trying to understand it though, can we prevent creating suffering in other ppl. BTW the book is called "Man's Meaning of Life" by Victor Frankyl, a psychiatrist who endured Auschwitz. A history book and in part a self-help book, this is very interesting reading.
If anyone knows of any Holocaust websites that contain pictures of children that survived the Holocaust please e-mail me at my address. I am putting together a Holocaust scrapbook as a project. Please e-mail!
A very well produced site covering a most thought provoking subject. Perhaps future visitors to this site wanting to research further would do well to obtain a book called 'The Final Solution' by G REITLINGER. Publ Sphere Books, 1971. In depth reasearch and extensive references. This in addition to other books recommended elsewhere on the site.
Last night I was talking to my mother, as my grandmother had come over yesterday. My mom was saying that her mom had news on my mom's schoolmates [names omitted] Rockwell. They are the children of George Lincoln Rockwell. They never spoke of it because it was so shameful. I have since researched some about him and as such, about the aryan, nazi movement and was astonished that they somehow think their evilness and bigotry is correct and that if American's heard their side we would agree. Their main tenant is Holocaust Denial, and I was sickened by some of the things they wrote. So I decided to search some things in the Holocaust, because I think as citizens of the WORLD, we should all be more knowledgeable about this carnage, as a very dark time in our history. Out of respect for the Jewish people and others who died in those camps, it's important that we all KNOW, so that nothing like that ever happens again. We can't turn our back on it, even though it's such an ugly part of history, because forgetting that it happened invalidates all of the people who suffered. I'm so sorry that the Holocaust happened. It's something that can never be made right.
I am very interestad because I have jewish ancestery and would like as much info as possible. I am also doing a holocost project and would very much like any thing you can give me! Thanyou
When I was in sixth grade, my teacher showed our class the movie "Escape form Sobibor." That movie got me interesed in the holocaust, and through the years I have researched the topic. It seems no matter how much I learn about it, there's always more to learn. I was really glad to find this web site, and to read the wonderful essays written. I wish you all the best of luck with this project. Thanks.
it's really sad to see morons write about how the holocaust didn't happen. but anyways, i was looking for info about himmler, but your site didn't give me enough detail...maybe you should add more info to it.
This is great site with excellent information. I can't even imagine the horrible treatmeant these people went through.
In January 2001, The Coterie Theatre in Kansas City will be doing a production of Playing for Time, by Arthur Miller. This play is about the women's camp at Auschwitz, and specifically the survival of the women who played in that camp's inmate orchestra. It reveals the horrors of humanity, as well as its glory. . . the magic or art, and the miracle that the human spirit can survive the horrible physical and spiritual torture that was imposed upon it. It also highlights the dangers of not only forgetting that it happened (or denying it, as we have seen) but also the profound danger of turning the perpetrators of this awful crime into monsters. They were not monsters, they were humans. Humans who themselves refused to see their fellow man as fellows but made animals out of them. Yet we cannot forget that they were human and we must seek to understand what can wretch a soul so greatly, what can warp humanity to such an extent. I came to this site as a single step on a journey of exploration as I prepare to work on the Coterie project. And I just wanted to stop a second to say thanks. It is very important that we continue to voice our collective experience, put the memories of a people into the minds of the next generation so that the naysayer, the ones who would deny the holocaust cannot wipe it from the our history forever and leave us unconcious of this potential within us. I continue to search for more exposure to this history. If anyone knows of any good resource regarding the women's camps, or the orchestra at Auschwitz, I welcome your suggestions.
My grandfather was a Ranger in the US army during WW2 and he would always tell me that the Nazi's never gassed 6 million people and that I shouldnt beleave any of that because he was there and that it is an imbellished myth. He has long since passed and I often wondered what had possesed him to say that. He was never derogatory about any race or religon. Now after learning about holocaust revisionism I understand. I've tried my best so far to be cautious about what I read and be fare but this site is so stereotypical of the beleavers. It offers no facts and trys to disuade only by saying over and over how silly the Revisionist theory is. Its kind of sad really.
I am writing this for a grade. it is a cool site though
great information. will visit this site agian.
Great site. I will return later to do a more indept study. Great information. The builder of the Holocaust Museum in also built our house.
This is a truly thought provoking website. The injustice that all who were not part of the "superior race" is awfull. Iam doing this subject in RELIGIOUS STUDIES & HISTORY and this webste has helped me to truly understand how evil the Nazis were. Any Helpfull E-MAILS WELCOME. Monique UK
I am in the 10th grade and I have known since about 3rd that this kind of stuff happened...but I could always just kinda imagine that it didn't REALLY happen....it was just some story about like another planet or something.....but when I found out a couple of years ago that some people were trying to say that the Holacust never really happened I was incensed and thought how...well..how evil they were...then I realised that with my way of thinking I was saying the same thing basically.....I have since reminded myself often that stuff liek that did happen on this planet and to be thankful that it has not happened in this day and age.....to be thankful that I haven't had to live through a war or a depression and I think that many teens in my generation need to be told and reminded of that.
I am in the 8th grade and I have just started my report for the holocaust.It is very depressing and sad.I wish Hitler would have never been born,but he was.And I am so sorry to all those who had to go through these rough times!And most have died,and will be in my prayers every day!This is a good site and I wish the rest of the jerks out there would stop leaving the rude comments!thanx!:'} sarah D. Okla.
What robert connoly said!
The holocaust has been intersting for me since 8th grade. I see all of these things so sad and I really never understood why would anyone ever do these cruel things to anyone. not should this be forgotten but, it should always be remembred. I don't know the pain and grief these people went through but, I can't only imagine how horriable it would of been. I read a couple of books on the holocaust they were amazing to me. at the end of all of them I cryed because of the fact that I didn't go through all of that but deeply saded by all of it.
Yo I have been studying the Holocost for some time and I had to write a report on it. I am 14 in the 9th grade,and I didnt know what happened. After I came to this site I found out how grusem it was and I wonder why Hitler did that. I know that answer never be answered I just wanted to tell that I fell sorry for them.
nice web site
I think that the Holoscaust was a sick thing. I am thinking more right now, but don't know how to put it in words. If i were a Jew, during the Holocaust, I would have fled. No matter if I let my home (that was in the family for centuries), I would want to save my family. I wish that someone would/could have done something to stop Hitler from his horrible thing that he did.
Y'know, this is a nice site, but it could do with a chat room. You really should consider it!
What an excellent site! I have less than no time for the (frankly pathetic) Holocaust deniers, so it gladdens my heart to see their arguments shot down repeatedly, in detail and very convincingly. I especially enjoyed (a touch of malicious glee here!) reading about Ball and Irving getting their just dues in court. Long may this site run. The only problem I can see it having, is that you deal with such a dark and dreadful aspect of human nature it may affect you the contributors. I hope it doesn't.
This web site was a good source for me...I am doing a project on Dachau and I got some great pictures from this site! I just think that it was terrible for all thoes people to die. If anyone would like to help me understand more about it please e-mail me!
This was a very usfull site
I have found this sight to be very interesting. I have taken an interest in the Holocaust. I am very apalled that something so horrible that something could ever happen. Thank You for starting such a great sight. It is very informative. I have learned a lot.
I thought this was an interesting site, containing the documents fromt the Nuremburg Trials and all. I am part German, and I have a profound interest in the Holocaust. I agree with what a lot of the other people said too, that the Holocaust should never ever be forgotten. It shouldn't have happened in the first place, but, because it did, we should not forget it, lest it happen again.
anything you would like to add to help me understand this please e-mail me thanks
This really didn't help me as far as photos are concerned. Nor with good, crisp facts about the holocaust/extermination of Jews, etc.
I am a college freshman who is taking a history course of World War II. The Holocaust did happen for those who choose to deny the truth. Ask the people who lived through the terrors. Also, those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. So we can't forget about this horrific time in our past or any other.
this site is quite informative. i think that these issues ars still very important today and i think its a good idea to let people express their opinions in this way! well done to whoever made this site,however i came on this site to help me with a school project. i would like to see more pictures,comments of people from the time... and so on! thanks peter
I am and freshmen in high school, and I have been working on a school project over the Holocaust for the past 2 weeks. I know that there are a lot of websites about the Holocaust, but I never really got the information that really helped me. That is until I found this website, thanks to those of you who have created this website, I have been able to work on my project much more easily. Thank you very much, and great job! Amiee 9th Grader at Anderson HS
Thought provoking and disturbing...which is as it should be... Respect to all people. Manchester. UK
Well, I think that this web page needs some pictures to keep the visitor entertained and keep his/her attention. but, besides that, it's pretty good. it helped me a lot with my project. dahlia, hanford, cali. dolleuh@hotmail.com
This web-site contained a lot of useful information.I greatly enjoyed going thru it, as strange as that may sound.As you read this STOP and think of what negative act you have done in the past and ask to be forgiven. While on a plane a person left a book in the seat-back pocket the title "SPECTATOR IN HELL" by Colin Rushton. The true story about a English P.O.W. in Auschwitz.I do not read much and I did not think about the Death-Camps at all.For myself I am truely sorry for that.I Read the book cover to cover in three and a half hours,I sugguest it to everyone with any interest. As I close I must ask you to never forget what happened,and to never let it happen again, to anyone, (Think about that for a minute) yes not even THEM.Whoever they may be. Mark
this page wasnt very good it did not help me at all with my project
this page is ok.. well yeah
One must carry a terrible burden of hate to want to deny these awful events and, in so doing, to desecrate the memory of families who lived and died in unimaginable fear and suffering.
I personally think that Hitler was wong to kill Jews. Just think, if he really had killed all Jews, ther would be none today. I would not have as many friends. It still sends chills down my back to think of what the people endured during all of that. It's so sad.
I am horrified to admit that I was thrown nto confusion by a book by a holocaust denier I read a few years ago - by a french socialist who was in Dachau who said as there were not gas chambers in dachau there were none anywhere else . . You yourselves may know of this book though the details escape me Their intent is to sow doubt, thus these people are either manifestly evil or the dupes of those who are. . The Holocaust must NEVER be forgotten. To be honest I think the holocaust shows human nature au naturel, and that it will happen again, but your efforts here will help delay it for as long as possible, for which I offer my thanks
Those people who died, did so from natural causes, diseases and etc. The Naziz did NOT kill any jew. The most respected and famous scholar about the Third Reich, David Irving, has tried to tell people the truth about the socalled "Holocaust", itīs a myth! Wake up you people! Itīs just the Wall Street Jews trying to get sympathy from the world (still). When communism fell in Rumania the world saw how easy it is to make things look different than they really are. They showed us skinny bodies and tried to tell the world that there had been a "Holocaust" in Rumania. Scientists later found out that those people had died from natural causes. Thatīs also what happened to the Jews in the second world war!
Thank you for helping us all to remember. Shalom
I like this site, loads of info and links to sites with more great info. I enjoy studying the WWII/Holocaust era and wish more people would so this type of thing could be avoided in the future.
It is a shame on the Jews that they presently use the Holocaust as propoganda to support their oppression against Palastinians. They are, in reality, not unlike the Nazis who persecuted them.
I'm fascinated by Jewish culture. I'll spend few words here. One of our more brilliant scientist, Enrico Fermi, had to flee Italy because his wife was a jew. Just think about the thousands of scientists, inventors, artists, poets, literates, intellectuals and so on because of the HOlocaust had to leave Europe during WWII or just after emigrating to Israel, the US, CDN & Australia. What a great loss in culture we are still suffering because of the Jewish extermination. I have great respect for the Jews and their intelligence and for their braveness to stand during the centuries all sorts of prosecutions. And, as a Catholic and Italian, I feel very guilty about the silence of the Vatican during those years. Simply disgusting. Look what the Orthodox churches in Eastern Europe have done to save Jewish from HOlocaust. Go the web site http://peshev.org/ and read about what was done in BUlgaria. 3 days ago a great man, Mr. Joseph Kelner at the venerable age of 99 passed away in NYC; He was the Hungarian born Jewish uncle of my girlfriend. I hope somebody will tell me how to wish him good luck in Heaven in Jewish language. Shalom
author, thank you for spending the time with this page. I am a fifteen year old highschool student doing a projest on the death camp dachua. This site has helped me with a lot of my reaserch and I hope you have many more web sites like it. thank you, Sarah
this site is of ideal use for people looking for jewish discriminations
great site
It is sad that we have to live in a world where man inflicts pain and suffering on fellow beings, just because of difference in skin colour, relegion or country of birth. Holocast should never have happened. Your web-site will help people and children of the future to remember and learn from the mistakes made in the past. Thanks. Regi
This site is one of the most informative websites i have ever been on and it documents this dark period in human history in extrodinary detail. Alot of time, thought and energy has gone into it, which gives justly covers the holocaust with one major belief: That this should always be remembered by every generation. Genocide is never an easy thing to research, as it reveals the true malevolence of human nature. I am researching for an art project on the past and have decide to do it about the holocaust because i feel so strongly about it. Every day there are news stories on the television of new atrocities being committed all over the world and it brings a sadness to my heart that humanity has still not learned it's lessons.
hi i see all words these are related with my research i am a journalist in pakistan and specialist in children i am searching nowadays about child prisoners any one if have matter about child prisoners pls send me
I want to look up things about the jewish and Nazis. My English class is doing a report on it
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Last modified: April 8, 2001