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These are comments left by visitors to the Holocaust History Project web site, in the month of March, 2002. Im 13 and in the 8th grade and had to do a essay on the holocaust camps. I didnt know, well sadly, nothing about the holocaust. So I went searching the web and found this site on Dachau. Thank you so much for all the help you have given me and happily you helped me get an A!!! I just wanted to say thank you and hopefully this tragidy wont ever happen again. P.S. This site really moved me and now im really into the Holocaust. I even want to grow up and visit some of the camps. thanks again. with luv- zidana
You no im only 13 years old but i remember reading about the Holocaust in the 5th grade ever sence i havent been able to get it out of my mind of all of the crap that happened jsu t becouse one selfish guy wanted to rul the world and may i tell you the world is not that good sure we get everything from it but there is a better place... but i wont go into that right now all of this happened becouse Hittler * i think thatz how u spell his name * wanted everone to be perfect blue eyes , what ever color hair, sertain religion ... well no one person is perfect and i cant belive that someone can be that ... sturbern i mean he didnt even think about ne one else just him self he did all of that crap cuz he wanted HIS nation to be the powerfulest * witch isnt possible* to be perfert to have the perfect people not like the USA the USA has every kid of people, religon, weath, race, family line the US dosnt care they will take anyone *with a visa* Hittler didnt care about any of that stuff he looked at the out side not the inside not at the person but at the ... religion * i guess u could say* and to tell you my opinion i think he was down right selffish and had a desire to be powerful but yet real people with power dont try to get it they just have it and use it * hopefuly for good causes and not bad* well i still have ALOT to say but its late and i need to get somemore sleep so i can do a report and finish somehome work but if u want more of my bigg mouth u can email me c ya andy
hey i think that it stinks what happened and i hope that it won't happen again Thanx for listen buh bye LUV BRITNY
Hello everybody! It IS a very usefull site! I am writing a longer essay on Josef Mengele, so I would like to know everything about this man. If you have any extra information about him, especially about his runaway in South-America, please send me an email. Thanks for help! (Simon, I hope you're reading this. Do you know who I am? :))
I'm only 14, and was abviuosly not around for the after effects of this terrible act. Even though i have only been studyin the Holocaust for a short while, i can not help but feel immense sorrow and anger towards what happened. i suppose its easy for me to say now, but i have always wondered how such an event was ever 'allowed' to happen. Jews have always been treated badly, throughout History, but this event really reached my heart. I feel so angry that the Germans did what tehy did, but i understand that most Germans are now different. My heart goes out to all the survivors, and those who weren't so lucky. There memories will live on forever in the hearts of others.
I have always been interested in the Holocaust. I have always wondered how the world not just the people in Russia, could just sit by and not say a word when over 6 million Jews are being ellimentaded. Doesn't that strike you as odd.That the same grandparents that are teaching your children about wrong or right are the same ones that allowed people to die.
Hello, my name is Jose Suarez I'm from Venezuela Edo. Bolivar Im just writing this lines to tell the people the many things that happened during the holocaust in a few words. One of the groups that were being chased by the Nazis were the Jehova's Witnesses many people of that religion were killed by those people evil people.
I'm a 52 year old Irish-American Christian who has always been horrified at the thought of what a human-being is capable of such as this. I have no words to describe my sadness, except to say that I have taught my children many details of the Holocaust slaughter in the hopes that nothing so horrible can ever happen to a race of human-beings again.
It is a sad footnote in our collective history that a people who were so brutally oppressed have now become the oppressors. Israel's Aparthied against the Palastinians makes us all wonder what the Holocaust victims died for and what we are supposed to learn from the experience
this is so not cool(hittler)
Those who ignore or deny history are doomed to repeat it. Good luck to David Irving in the next life.
I can not believe that we could do something so cruel to our own kind.
Thank you my friends for sharing the photos and knowledge. My father, a Hungarian Jew survived Auschwitz and died at 94 years old without ever talking. I begged him to share testimony for the honor of his exterminated family--for the honor of all who died and survived. But he would not. But he did donate $100,000 to the Holocaust Museum in Lower Manhattan and I put his ashes in the water near it and ironically and tragically under the Twin Towers. My dear God, why is there so much hate and suffering in the name of religion? If anyone can help me locate information in Europe ---I would be so grateful--any address or organization that would link to the Hungarian Jewry. Thank you and thank you for this site.
I was reading about how the Ukrainians voluntarily helped the Nazi's. Yet my mother has a different account in that she was "taken" from her family in the Ukraine at the age of 17 and forced to work in Germany, pretty much being a prisoner herself in that she was not free to go anywhere. The German soldiers raped her and the other girls in the barracks. My father was a Ukrainian soldier and as he tells it, the Germans performed "experiments" on him and other Ukrainian soldiers. This does not seem voluntary to me. Please educate me regarding this. I would appreciate it. Thanks, Anya
I look forward to perusing the site.
wow, i have a german passport but decided to live in ireland. i' m going to college here and everything works out for me. now i had to do something about the holocaust and i didn't know where to start. because i am german, everybody expects that i can explain it, that i know the facts like i was there but i wasn't...i was more ashamed about myself to see how less i know at all. i just wanna say, that your home page is great, seriously, it has many, many facts , very good explanations etc. and ...when you leave the page, you leave it but you carry the facts and pictures in your mind with you and they won't leave.
never again
I feel really ba dfor the jews
Hi! my name is Liza. I m from USA!! i m doing a huge project on Dachau 4 school and heard about this site! i have spent many hours reading over this work! it is so sad and unbelivable about what happened here! i m so sad and crushed to even think bout how people could do that to some1!! it is so sad and depressing! thank you for suppling this site for all interested and needy students, parents and other! lyl LizaLoo146
I hear the stories and I am confused, I see the pictures and I cry, I feel the hatred and I am scared, I am one person but I don't hate, I see the future and I have hope, I know they are gone, but I will remember! He who saves one life, saves the world entire. Lets not forget!
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Last modified: August 20, 2003