The back of the photograph of the Vel
d'Hiv shown on the preceding page. It is authenticated by the stamp of the
German censor, on the left. The photo credit is the newspaper
Paris-Midi. The text says, "Early yesterday morning foreign Jews were
forced onto buses by the police. They will most likely be taken to some new
location to work."
[I first identified this photo in 1990 in the
Bibliothèque Historique (History Library) of the City of Paris, in the
collection France-Soir (Paris-Midi). It was first published in 1941
Les Juifs en France Préludes à la Solution
Finale, by Serge Klarsfeld; FFDJF: 1991.) Since then, it has become well
known. I hope that some interior photo of the Vel d'Hiv taken between July 16
and July 20, 1942, will come to light. S.K.]
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