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A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld  

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In this picture taken in the Prater, a large park in Vienna, probably in 1935, are three Viennese Jewish children who were later deported from France. On the right is Georges LANG, born in 1925; the little girl is his sister Eva, born in 1930. In the center (in white) is Peter VECSLER, born in 1926. Georges and Eva were arrested in Nice with their parents, Victor and Marguerite, on August 26, 1942, during the big roundup in the Vichy Zone, handed over to the SS in the Occupied Zone, and deported on convoy 29 of September 7, 1942. Peter Vecsler was arrested during the same roundup in Fumel (Lot-et-Garonne). He was transferred to the assembly camp at Casseneuil and then to Drancy, and was deported on September 9, 1942, on convoy 30.    


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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