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Serge Klarsfeld  

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Lily, Ita, Zysla

Tauba (Thérèse) and her baby Eliane
     Convoy 15 of August 5, 1942, carried away Sura SIERZANTOWICZ and two of her daughters, Ita (Henriette) and Zysla (Simone), 15 and 17 years old, respectively, born in Warsaw. The family lived at 7 passage Jeanne d'Arc in the Paris suburb of Saint-Ouen. Convoy 64 of December 7, 1943, bore away their father, Moszek, and the two other daughters, Lily, 15, born in Warsaw on April 28, 1928, and Tauba (Thérèse), 23, whose married name was Schwirtz. In the picture, Thérèse is holding her daughter Eliane, born on December 6, 1941, in Paris, deported with her on convoy 64. All four had been arrested trying to flee from Saint-Martin-de-Vésubie (Alpes-Maritimes). They were close to the Italian border as the crow flies, it was a difficult journey through the mountains and the SS arrested them in Botgo San Dalmazzo. 


A memorial
Serge Klarsfeld

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