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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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I only listened. As there was nothing more to hear and as there was no movement, I put the ventilator on. During this time, I was on the outside and I neither inhaled nor smelled the gas. After some fifteen minutes, I opened the door. It would seem that death occurred in the usual manner. Only 3 or 4 had been unable to control their bowel movements. It was about half past nine.

The next morning, at 5:30, I had the bodies taken to Strasbourg in a lorry covered with a tarpaulin. This method was chosen in order to keep everyone in the dark as to what had taken place. For I was obliged to maintain the highest level of secrecy. I deny having shot down any of these prisoners. There were 4 SS-men present at this execution, but I know the name of only one, namely Lagerführer Zeus [Wolfgang Seuss]. Stabscharführer Hans Jung was not present. I deny having made a speech. Neither was Hirt pre-sent. He came to Struthof only 2 or 3 times, on personal visits having nothing to do with the execution.

Some time later, a second transport, consisting of men only, arrived in Struthof from Auschwitz. Eight days later they were executed in the same way. Two or three weeks later, 30 men, who stayed in the camp for ten days, from another transport were also asphyxiated. [Josef Kramer is wrong about time intervals between successive groups, including arrival, residence in the camp and gassing, of the convoys; even though the arrivals and the gassings were probably both staggered over time, the future victims were all gathered in Struthof at the beginning of the week 7-14 August 1943. Fifty-seven men were killed in the week of 14-21 August.] I deny that the SS-men drank alcohol after the execution. It was always the same SS-men who were present at the executions.

The professor told me the name of the gas, but I have forgotten it. I am sure I would recognize the granules if I were to see them again.

Professor Hirt came to the camp on only two or three occasions. He never stayed longer than an hour. I knew the camp doctors. Ido not know whether he [Hirt] was corresponding with them.

The 86 bodies delivered to the Municipal Hospital in Strasbourg were all Jewish. On the strength of a list of names, I can vouch for the fact that they were residents of South-East Europe.

Documents 157 for the German text and 158 for the French translation.
There is a copy of 158 in document 1806/V/2bis.


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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