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by Jean-Claude Pressac  

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67.  Corpses dismembered at the end of 1944, on the order of German Professor Hirt, Director of the Institute of Anatomy from 1941 to 1944. The identification number of each corpse, tattooed on the left forearm, was removed, on orders, at the time of dismembering; the viscera and the heads were incinerated in the Strasbourg crematorium – these actions were designed to prevent identification of the corpses and to obstruct French medico-legal investigations.
[Apart from the misplaced pretension of the preceding sentence, obliteration of the number made identification impossible, and if all the corpses had been treated this way, an investigation into the origins of the corpses would have been legally impossible, despite subsequent testimony. Tattooing identification numbers on the left forearm was a specificity of K.L. Auschwitz. Henri Henripierre, a French civilian and technician at the Institute, noted down the corpses’ 5 or 6 digit identification numbers as they arrived. At liberation, those numbers which remained corresponded to this list.
68.  Idem. [Ditto
69.  Other dismembered corpses.  
70.  Human trunks. 
71.  Idem. [Ditto
72.  Corpse of young woman, healthy and robust, at the time of autopsy. Note that the incisions along the body expose a layer of fat, suggesting that execution occurred shortly after internment.
[It seems that this female corpse is that in the middle of photograph 63, also shown in photograph 66, with an autopsy in progress by a forensic pathologist, professor Simonin, at the request of French military justice.]  
73.  Emaciated corpse of young man.
[Exposed after having been removed from the vat shown in photograph 54.]  
74.  Corpse of probably Jewish man; there are no longer any traces of fat in the skin.
[Autopsy in progress; the thorax has just been opened.]. 
75.  Corpses of internees bearing numerous ecchymoses on the back, the result of severe blows endured before execution in the gas chamber. 
76.  Marks of violence on the back.  
77. Idem. [Ditto]  


By Jean-Claude Pressac

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