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© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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election. Petia proved to be a help, for at one of the last rallies, in Waldshut on September 27, when Serge, two friends, and I were handing out pamphlets in the crowd that had come to hear Kiesinger, a woman with an ice cream cone ran up and threw the ice cream in my face, temporarily blinding me. Then she started hitting me with her fists. Petia began to jump and bark, attracting Serge's attention. Serge dropped his pamphlets and pulled the woman off me.

Albruck, Waldshut, Dorgezn, Unterbruckringen, Trangen, Sackingen, Gorwihl, Hochsal . . . all day long the names of the villages where Kiesinger stopped and where we staged demonstrations and passed out our pamphlets flew past.

Sometimes Serge and I were the only ones of our party in the front rows where, of course, we kept interrupting Kiesinger. When we shouted "Willy Brandt for Chancellor," together with the socialists who took the risk of coming to Christian Democratic rallies, the reporters were astonished and the Christian Democrats were very angry.

"You're ADF people. You have no right to campaign for Brandt."

"Better to give your votes to Brandt's SPD than to waste them on the ADF."

September 28. Election day. The results will soon be in. I went straight from Waldshut to Bonn with Serge and Petia, for as a candidate I was entitled to be present in the Assembly for the vote counting. I got in, but not without some trouble, and two or three of the security men stuck right beside me for fear of a disturbance.

Reporters also stuck close by, asking for my predictions. I told them frankly that my party, the ADF, would not get more than one percent of the vote.

The ADF officials were cool. They had not expected to see me there. They were still optimistic, so when the first returns were announced, they left without even saying good-by.

That night the television coverage began with a shot of the Bundestag, and the newscaster pointed me out as: "Beate Klarsfeld, this evening's guest of honor."

I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was the Bonn police chief, who apologized that he couldn't share my politics but offered his "personal congratulations" for my "courage." Several Christian Democratic officials said the same thing to me that evening. I have
© 1972, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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