The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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The central role that the II-112 was destined to play
for the Gestapo was emphasized in the report quoted from Hagen which referred
to a decree of execution (Funktionsbefehl) promulgated by the Reichsführer
on July 1, 1937. It stipulated that the SD was to be responsible "for all
general and fundamental questions" which did not include executive measures and
that it was to take its decisions "in strictest agreement with the section II
B4," the section of Jewish affairs of the Gestapo.
An examination of
the trimestrial reports of the SD II-112 demonstrates the role played by this
section in the activities of the II B4 of the Gestapo. The report edited in
October 1937 (CDXXXVII-20) qualified as "sufficiently good" the collaboration
with Flesch in whose section the II B4 was situated. It adds:
"Since September 15, 1937, Assessor Flesch
has been transferred to the Gestapo of Berlin. A personal contact has been made
with his successor, Assessor Freytag. Given that Assessor Freytag has not yet
any familiarity with the field of Judaism, he (Flesch) has asked to help him to
a large extent and especially to advise him also on executive measures."
(32) In its semestrial report
of July 1938 (CDXXXVII-23) it is underscored that the II-112 interrogated the
leaders of Jewish organizations, and it is explained that:
"The necessity to engage itself personally
in this sort of manoeuvres or action stems from the fact that the civil
servants in charge of external affairs of the Gestapo are not qualified, due to
their lack of knowledge in this field, to find out from the Jews the
information necessary to determine the general tendency."
(33) This report nevertheless
indicated a few difficulties between the regional centers of the SD and the
Gestapo. The trimestrial report of March 1, 1939 (CDXXXVII-25) declared:
"The relations with the section
corresponding to the Gestapo, the II B4 (Governmental Advisor Lischka and
Governmental Advisor Hülf), are very good. Collaboration: All questions
relevant to Judaism are discussed together on the basis of the fundamental
attitudes of the section 11-112. All of the correspondance [sic] is
countersigned by the main office of the SD and by the Gestapo when it is
addressed to a third party..." (34)
The semestrial report of January 1938 (CDXXXVI-22), from which
date the II-112 was directed by Hagen, brought out the good relations with the
Gestapo and added: "The initiative in the work belongs essentially to the
II-112." (35) As for the surveillance of Jewish organizations, the reports
specify that not only were Jewish leaders convoked by the SD to be questioned
by the Gestapo, but also that the SD commonly made unannounced visits to these
organizations and at the same time searched their headquarters
These quotations demonstrate that. the development of
the SD and of the Gestapo exactly correspond to the views of Hitler and
Himmler, according to which the governmental authority of the Gestapo in hand
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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