The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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"The occupied regions in the East will be
emptied of the Jews. The execution of this very painful order has been loaded
on my shoulders by the Führer. In any case, no one can relieve me of this
responsibility. Therefore, I forbid no matter whom any interference
(Mitreden)." We shall see that Heydrich was to otherwise present
the Order of the Führer as to the "final solution" aiming at the totality
of European Judaism. He was then to speak of an agreement, an approval of the
7. The Principle of the "Final Solution" by
Exterminatory Deportation to the Occupied Regions ("East of the East") (Autumn
The decision to massacre the Soviet Jews does not presuppose
that of the massacre of all the European Jews. As late as spring 1941, Hitler
could mean by "final solution" to come something other than what he already
foresaw for the occupied Soviet territories. It is from this angle that a
decree of the RSHA of May 20, 1941 (NG-3104), which it is sometimes tempting to
interpret in the sense of the "final solution" by massacre, must be considered.
This decree forbade the emigration of Jews from the occupied zones in France
and in Belgium and twice added that in this decision the "final solution which
will not fail to arrive" had been taken into account. At first sight, one may
believe that Heydrich thus gave the order to prevent the Jews from escaping the
"final solution" by emigration. The reason indicated is totally different: one
wanted all possibilities of emigration to be reserved for the Jews of the
Reich. It was only on January 19,1942, that the prohibition of Jewish
emigration from the Reich, authorized until then (XXVb-5), was pointed out in
France. Heydrich was to proclaim it the next day at the Conference of Wannsee.
On the other hand, in May 1941, emigration was not yet excluded or one dreamt
of some sort of "Jewish reserve" which the Reich promised itself to obtain.
It is the application of the "final solution" to the Soviet Jews which
was to open the way to the conception of the global extermination of the Jews
in the German vital space and to the total rejection of the solution by
Since January 24,1939, Heydrich, on Hitler's order, had
been entrusted by Goering with the emigration of the Jews, emigration then
considered as the radical solution to the Jewish question. Two and one half
years later, the activity of the Einsatzgruppen was to familiarize the
conscience of Hitler, Himmler and Heydrich with the physical suppression of the
Jews. The predominance of a hostile attitude towards Hitlerism in the public
opinion of the principal world powers, the alliance between Great Britain and
the Soviet Union, and the policy of the United States, acquired during the
second half of 1941 from these allied powers, multiplied Hitler's fury against
the Jews whom he saw at the origin of such a situation. He was to make up his
mind to chastize [sic] Judaism by destroying the part of it which had fallen
into the hands of the Third
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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