The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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It is certain that the ordinance of the Party of
October 9, 1942, and the directives of O. Dietrich intended to present the
"final solution" to the public in a sinister and macabre light.
In the
winter of 1943, anyone at all had only to buy the November 4, 1943, edition of
the weekly "Der Stürmer", published by Streicher, Gauleiter of Franconia,
to be informed of the real meaning of the "final solution." "Der Stürmer "
was scorned by the very great majority of Germans. We have already seen that
before the war, the SS (Hagen and Eichmann) severely criticized this obscene
and outrageously vulgar organ of anti-Jewish propaganda. Hitler nevertheless
insisted that it continue to appear, and the "Stürmer" was ostentatiously
exposed in the streets of all the cities of the Reich.
But far from
limiting itself to the propaganda calling for the murder of the Jews, it gave
the information that this murder was being accomplished.
Streicher, who
was judged in Nuremberg at the trial of the major Nazi war criminals, explained
the working habits of the editor of the "Stürmer." He emphasized the
important role played by the analysis of the paper "The Jewish Weekly,"
published by the Swiss Jewish community, in the preparation of the issues. This
paper contained news on the extermination of the Jews of the East or of those
deported to the East. The November 4, 1943, issue of the " Stürmer "
(PS-1965) contains an article entitled "The New Jewish Order. What the Jews
Demand for Themselves." (138) Therein is
found this quotation from the Swiss weekly:
"The Jews have, so to speak, disappeared
from Europe, except with respect to England and also the small Jewish
communities in the few neutral countries. The Jewish reservoir in the East,
which was capable of equilibrating the phenomena of assimilation in the West,
no longer exists." The " Stürmer " made the following comment
on this quotation:
"It is not a question of a Jewish fraud
(Judenschwindel). It is in fact true that the Jews have "so to speak"
disappeared from Europe and that "the Jewish reservoir in the East," from which
the Jewish epidemic (Judenseuche) had spread for hundreds of years onto the
European peoples, has ceased to exist. If the Jewish publication wants to claim
that the Jews did not envisage such a development when they thrust the peoples
into the Second World War, they are not to be believed. But the Führer of
the German people, from the very beginning of the war, foretold what has now
happened. He said that the Second World War would swallow up those who had
wanted it... One thus annihilates the cause, the Jew; and the world is freed of
the Jewish animosity. One understands that the Jews do not wish such a
solution. They demand rather the extermination of all the non-Jews, who
necessarily become enemies of the Jews, because of the presence of the Jews."
Thus the editorial staff of the "Stürmer" declared itself to
be informed of the event reported by the Swiss publication. Given that
Streicher, a scandalous personality, had already for several years been put
aside from the real political life of the country, his news did not have the
credibility of being official. Nevertheless, the very fact that it was
published and that this paper was especially exposed in the stands, took on
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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