The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania © 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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The next day, April 10, R. Brandt
informed Korherr that his report had been received by Himmler who wished that
"nowhere it be spoken of the "special action applied to the Jews." ("Er
wünscht, dass an keiner Stelle von "Sonderbehandung des Juden" gesprochen
wird") (14). In fact, the following
sentence is found on page 10 of the Korherr Report: "Total of the evacuations
(including Theresienstadt and also the Special Action... 1,873,539."
("Evakuierungen insgesamt einschl. Theresienstadt und einschl.
Sonderbehandlung") (14). In the meantime,
on April 1, 1943, Himmler ordered Korherr to draft a summary of his report "to
be presented to Hitler" ("zur Vorlage an den Führer"). The result was a
report of six and one-half pages addressed to Dr. Brandt on April 19, 1943. The
statistical data are completed until March 31, 1943 (15,35).
All of this correspondance [sic], which is
stamped "Geheime Reichssache" ("State Secret"), is very edifying. It shows in
fact that the results of the "final solution" interested Hitler himself as much
as Himmler, that is to say, the summit of the regime. On the other hand, thanks
to the gaffe of Korherr, one has, were it necessary, a confirmation coming from
the top that the "Sonderbehandlung der Juden" was an operation so
unacknowledgeable that it was to be carefully camouflaged under the term still
more innocent of "evacuation" even in a report for internal internal [sic] use
of the SS. By the same occasion we henceforth know that the heading
"evacuations" of the Korherr Report covered the "Sonderbehandlung."
It is so clear that the Korherr Report does not permit
knowledge of the total number of victims of the "final solution" that it is
hardly necessary to underscore it: the report stops at March 31, 1943. At the
present time, it is however possible to complete it on some points, which are
precise and limited, due to documents coming from the Nazi administration which
Korherr would surely have used had he continued his work after March 31, 1943.
But the sole data of this report are already very largely sufficient to realize
the folly of the Rassinier of all sorts, when they attack the number of Jewish
victims of the Holocaust and oppose to the figure of six million their
grotesque lucubrations [sic].
Let us examine first of all what the
abridged report of six and one half pages reveals on the subject of
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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The
Beate Klarsfeld Foundation |
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