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The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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Evacuation from other European Countries. Within the realm of German influence and power beyond the boundaries of the Reich the following evacuations have taken place:
Country up to Dec. 12, 1942 in the first quarter
of 1943
France (as occupied be-
fore Nov. 10, 1942)
41 911 7 995
Holland 38 571 13 832
Belgium 16 886 1 616
Norway 532 158
Greece 13 435
Slovakia 56 691 854
Croatia 4 927
Bulgaria 11 364
In the Russian territories including the
former Baltic countries since the beginning
of the eastern campaign
633 300
Total 792 818 49 254

E u r o p e a n J e w i s h S t a t i s t i c s . These figures indicate that the Jewish population of Europe has already been reduced by 4 million. On the European continent (after Russia with c. 4 million) only Hungary (750 000), Rumania (302 000) and possibly France have large Jewish populations. In additon [sic] to the abovementioned figures, if one takes into account the Jewish emigration , the excess mortality in the non German countries of Middle and Western Europe and the unavoidable double counting due to the fluctuation of the Jews, then the reduction of the Jewish population of Europe from 1937 to the beginning of 1943 could be estimated at 4 1/2 million. Moreover, it was not possible to count all the deaths of Soviet-Russian Jews in the occupied Estern [sic] Territories while those in the remaining European part of Russia and on the front have not been included at all. In addition to this there are masses of Jews who have fled from European Russia to Asian Russia and the emigration of Jews from the European countries outside German influence abroad is a largely unknown quantity.

Altogether European Jewry must have been reduced by almost 1/2 since 1933, that is to say, during the first decade of the development of power of National Socialism. Again half, that is a quarter of the total Jewish population of 1937, has fled to other continents.

The Holocaust and the Neo-Nazi Mythomania
© 1978, The Beate Klarsfeld Foundation
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