Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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] ical attendants colluding in the death of
patients, usually children, who have been extremely impaired physically and
mentally. But those practices have been restrained by legal limits and strong
public reaction, and have not developed into a systematic program of killing
those designated as unworthy of living.
In Germany, however, such a
project had been discussed from the time of the impact of scientific
racism in intellectual circles during the last decade of the nineteenth
century. Central to that development was the stress upon the integrity of the
organic body of the Volk the collectivity, people, or
nation as embodiment of racial-cultural substance. That kind of focus, as with
any intense nationalism, takes on a biological cast. One views ones group
as an organism whose life one must preserve, and whose
death one must combat, in ways 'that transcend individual fate.
One such theorist, Adolf Jost, issued an early call for direct medical
killing in a book published in 1895 and significantly entitled The
Right to Death (Das Recht auf den Tod). Jost argued that control
over the death of the individual must ultimately belong to the social organism,
the state. This concept is in direct opposition to the Anglo-American tradition
of euthanasia, which emphasizes the individuals right to
die or right to death or right to his or her own
death, as the ultimate human claim. In contrast, Jost was pointing to the
states right to kill. While he spoke of compassion and relief of
suffering of the incurably ill, his focus was mainly on the health of the
Volk and the state. He pointed out that the state already exercises
those rights in war, where thousands of individuals are sacrificed
for the good of the state. Ultimately the argument was biological: The
rights to death [are] the key to the fitness of life. The state must own
death must kill in order to keep the social organism alive and
The crucial work The Permission to Destroy
Life Unworthy of Life (Die Freigabe der Vernichtung lebensunwerten
Lebens) was published in 1920 and written jointly by two
distinguished German professors: the jurist Karl Binding, retired after forty
years at the University of Leipzig, and Alfred Hoche, professor of psychiatry
at the University of Freiburg. Carefully argued in the numbered-paragraph form
of the traditional philosophical treatise, the book included as unworthy
life not only the incurably ill but large segments of the mentally ill,
the feebleminded, and retarded and deformed children. More than that, the
authors professionalized and medicalized the entire concept. And they stressed
the therapeutic goal of that concept: destroying life unworthy of life is
purely a healing treatment and a healing work.³
__________ * The principle was
disseminated by several influential writers. Implicit in some of
Nietzsches works, it was embraced by a circle of early
scientific racists in Munich, led by the anthropologist Alfred
Ploetz and including the publisher J. F. Lehmann, whose press brought out most
of the groups pamphlets and books. |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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