Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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] furt a few years earlier: Mengeles
teacher, was the man who in late 1935 had insisted, What is absolutely
needed is research on series of families and twins selected at random
with and
without hereditary defects. One could then achieve
complete and reliable determination of heredity in man and
the extent of the damage caused by adverse hereditary influences,
as well as relations between disease, racial types, and
miscegenation. 27 No wonder that Verschuer
supported Mengeles research so enthusiastically, or that Mengele
regularly sent specimens to his teacher and visited, while stationed at
Auschwitz, the latters research institute in Berlin.
Auschwitz, Mengele found a way to live out this intellectual dream derived from
his mentor. While he could not always have the family data going back over
several generations that Verschuer wished for, he could arrange to his
hearts content what his teacher called a fixed minimum of
in all cases.28 Indeed,
Mengele could exploit the unique opportunity Auschwitz provided for quick and
absolute availability of large numbers of these precious research subjects,
especially identical twins.
Mengele did not merely issue orders that
twins be rounded up: he was a central, even fanatical, figure in the
rounding-up process. Teresa W., who was sometimes in a position to observe ramp
selections from close up, told how Mengele, looking strange, would
plunge into the river of arriving Hungarian Jews, going
the same speed [as] the crowd and [shouting] only,
Zwillinge heraus!
with such a face that I would think
hes mad.
Once he had selected the twins, Mengele made them
part of an elaborate research structure, Auschwitz style. Besides the general
SS doctors unit (used by all SS doctors), he had three additional
offices, mainly for his work with twins: one in the mens camp, one in the
womens camp, and one in the Gypsy camp. In all these places, twins had
special status. They were given a special number sequence, and in many cases
ZW (for Zwillinge, or twins) was made part of
the tattooed number. They were frequently permitted to keep their own clothing
and sometimes their hair. Twins, mostly children, had special blocks, usually
within medical units and often together with other research subjects of
Mengele, such as dwarfs or inmates with other abnormalities. An older child or
an adult from among the twins, generally known as the Zwillingsvater
(literally, twins father) would be put in charge and would
become, in effect, the block chief. In each area, then, there took shape an
extraordinary twin-dominated world of Mengeles odd research
As one of them, Simon J., describes: |
We were very close.
There was a little
the darling of the
block.... We
had all sizes and shapes
a pair of eighteen-year-old strapping,
magnificent boys from Hungary, excellent football-soccer players,
completely identical, We |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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