Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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The Auschwitz Self: Psychological Themes
As in the case of the Auschwitz self, Hitlers
position was that, because Jews were, biologically and existentially, a
permanent locus of evil and a permanent threat, it was they who must be blamed
for anything done to overcome that threat and extirpate that evil. In other
words, because as Jews (and, to a lesser extent, Poles) the prisoner doctors
were by definition evil, they were therefore responsible for medical negligence
and all other evil in the camp a position the Auschwitz self could hold
while simultaneously depending upon the medical skills of Jewish doctors for
maintaining its own professional identity.
When a Nazi doctor became
enraged at a tiny mistake made by a prisoner doctor on a medical chart a
pattern all the more remarkable when one considers the extent of falsification
throughout Auschwitz documents that anger had an important psychological
function. It was the Auschwitz selfs effort to hold to the as
if situation of a decent medical establishment and to deflect potential
guilt by attacking the other rather than confront itself.66 But blaming the victim can extend to
retrospective Auschwitz reflections, such as those of Höss himself. The
camp commandant attributed the high mortality rate among Jews to their
psychological state, blamed Jewish gold for the
camps undoing (extensive corruption), and described Jewish
prisoners in Dachau as having protected themselves in typical fashion by
bribing their fellow prisoners, Höss took pains to make clear his
opposition to vulgar attitudes in this area, condemning Julius Streicher and
his notorious Der Stürmer for its disgusting sensationalism
and pornography as harmful to the cause of serious
suggests once more the Auschwitz selfs quest for meaning on the basis of
a story, within which one can claim to have made every effort to be reasonable
and humane in the face of extraordinary provocation, but had to point, however
reluctantly, to ones designated victim as the source of evil and threat;
which in turn required that one take the matter in hand, as any clear-minded,
responsible person would have done. Or more subjectively: God knows I
tried. I did my best with them. But being what they were, they kept spreading
their poison and endangered my compatriots and myself, so we were left with no
Blaming the victim is highly important to the doubling
process creating the Auschwitz self and to the Nazi doctors function
within the healing-killing paradox. |
The Auschwitz Self as Performer |
The element of performance in the Auschwitz
self, especially during selections, had considerable importance for the
experience of meaning. Mengele, of course, is the exemplar here, the
outstanding player of the Auschwitz game whose graceful and quick
movements reflected his harmonious sense of meaningful work in the
Auschwitz environment. But |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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