Dr Robert Jay Lifton |
Killing and
the Psychology
of Genocide © |
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Notes to Pages 292-340 |
(The numbers in brackets refer to the
original, complete citation of a particular reference in each chapter. The
dates in brackets denote original publication of a
title.) |
53. Kremers Tagebuch, Hefte von
Auschwitz 13, (1971):42, 49. |
54. Sehn, Case [52], pp. 211-14;
Tagebuch [53], pp. 56-58 (and 4 December 1942; l3 January 1943), 64
(10 June 1943), 69-72 (26 December 1943; 24 February 1944). |
55. Tagebuch [53], p. 70 (26 December
1943). |
56. Langbein, Menschen [3], p. 389; Karwowski
testimony in Langbein, Auschwitz-Prozess [48], vol. II, p. 578;
Olbrycht, Nazi Health Office [48], pp. 187-88. |
57. Testimony of Mr. Stern, Attorney in
Paris, The Horrors of Auschwitz (unpublished manuscript).
58. Heinz Schumann and Heinrich Kühnreich, eds., SS
im Einsatz: Eine Dokumentation über das Verbrechen der SS (7th, rev.
ed. [E.] Berlin: Deutscher Militärverlag, 1964), p. 349. |
59. Mengele/Haifa: 35 (Sarah Honigsmann). |
60. Olbrycht, Nazi Health Office [48], p.
186. |
61. YVAJ: 2039 (Dr. Aharon Beilin). |
62. Langbein, Menschen [3], pp. 381-82. |
63. L. Simonius, On Behalf of Victims of
Pseudo-Medical Experiments, International Review of the Red Cross,
Geneva (January 1973), p. 13; Internationaler Suchdienst Arolsen,
Pseudo-medizinische Versuche im KL Auschwitz-Monowitz:
Elektroschock-Behandlungsversuche, 15 February 1973. |
64. Georges Wellers and Robert Waitz, Recherches sur
la dénutrition prolongée dans les camps de
déportation, Revue Canadienne de Biologie 6
(1947). |
65. Günther Schwarberg, The Murders at Bullenhuser
Damm: The SS Doctor and the Children (Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1984 [1980]). |
66. Agriculture Minister Walther Darré, quoted in
Robert Cecil, The Myth of the Master Race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi
Ideology (New York: Dodd, Mead, 1972), p. 144. |
Chapter 16. A Human
Being in an SS Uniform: Ernst B. |
1 . See Hermann Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz,
(Vienna: Europaverlag, 1972), p. 357. |
2. Ibid., pp. 56-60. |
3. Hans Buchheim, Command and Compliance, in
Helmut Krausnick et al., Anatomy of the SS State (New York: Walker, 1968
[1965]), p. 373. Buchheim here discusses the acceptable reasons for avoiding
orders in the Nazi environment. |
Chapter 17. Dr. Auschwitz:
Josef Mengele |
1. Ernst Schnabel, Anne Frank: A Portrait in Courage
(New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1958). |
2. Ira Levin, The Boys from Brazil (New York: Random
House, 1976); Rolf Hochhuth, The Deputy (New York: Grove Press, 1964
[1963]), pp. 31-32. |
3. The Search for Dr. Mengele, interview by
Harry Reasoner, 60 Minutes, 11 March 1979. |
4. Hermann Langbein, Menschen in Auschwitz (Vienna:
Europaverlag, 1972), pp. 384-85. |
5. Helmut von Verschuer, quoted in Benno Müller-Hill,
Tödliche Wissenschaft: Die Aussonderung von Juden, Zigeunern und
Geisteskranken 1933-1945 (Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1984), p. 129.
6. Josef Mengele, Rassenmorphologische Untersuchung
des vorderen Unterkieferabschnittes bei vier rassischen Gruppen
(University of Munich, 1935), published in Morphologisches Jahrbuch 79
(1937):60-117. |
7. Josef Mengele, Sippenuntersuchungen bei
Lippen-Kiefer-Gaumenspalte, Zeitschrift für menschliche
Vererbungs- und Konstitutionslehre 23 (1938). |
8. Josef Mengele, Zur Vererbung der Ohrfisteln,
Der Erbarzt 8 (1940):59-60. |
9. Langbein, Menschen [4], p. 385. |
Medical Killing and the Psychology of
Genocide Robert J. Lifton ISBN 0-465-09094 ©
1986 |
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