The Six Million Figure - Where Did it Come From?
1. "Six million Jews died in the Holocaust."? Just where did
that figure come from? And what does it mean?
2. The earliest attempts to put a number on the dimensions of the
Holocaust came from simple before-and-after demographic comparisons.
Take the number of Jews in Europe before WWII, subtract the number
found there after the war, add back those who managed to escape, and
round it to the nearest million.
Of course, all these numbers are estimates. Even with the vigorous
effort by the United States to count every single person once every
ten years, and even with all our modern-day technology, it is widely
recognized that the census misses over 1% of the total population -
and that it misses minorities by an even higher percentage. In many
areas of Europe at that time, census taking was not nearly as comprehensive
as it is in the United States. Other writers, using different estimates,
have proposed both lower and higher figures. Some go as high as seven
million. At the other end of the scale, Gerald Reitlinger arrived at
a figure of between 4.2 and 4.5 million.
This method of estimating also simplifies the issue slightly. An elderly
person who died peacefully in bed in Paris the morning after the Germans
invaded France was not really a victim of the Holocaust, but would be
counted as such by the simple method above. The same goes for a Jewish
soldier killed in battle. Accordingly, other writers have tried other
methods to come up with a Holocaust death toll. For example, Raul
Hilberg used more conservative definition, trying to count only
those who were actually captured by the Nazis and died under their
control, whether by shooting, gas, starvation, or disease. He came
up with a figure of about 5.2 million.
These numbers are still estimates. This is true of any large-scale
disaster. We do not have an exact figure for the number of people
killed in WWII. We do not even have an exact number for the death
toll of the 1900 Galveston hurricane - estimates range from 6,000
to 12,000, with 8,000 being the most widely-used figure. So it is
not at all surprising or unusual that the estimates of Holocaust
victims range from 4.2 to 7 million.
3. It is not, however, legitimate to argue that since these estimates
are so wide the true figure could be much smaller (or, for that
matter, much bigger) - say, by a factor of ten or more. Since
the Nazis themselves explicitly reported shooting about a million
Jews in the occupied Soviet Union before creating the concentration
camp system, a number below 1,000,000 (as some Holocaust deniers
try to claim) is not credible. The legitimate estimates all have
actual foundations in evidence. "Since we don't know, it could
easily be far less" is pure handwaving with no evidence at all.
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