Topics for Papers on the Holocaust
Let us begin by pointing out that a particularly bad topic
for a school essay or paper is to argue about whether the Holocaust
happened or not.
Whether it happened is not a matter of opinion; it did happen, and
that can be verified to any reasonable standard of proof. Writing about
how we know it happened might be interesting, or perhaps about the
specific reasons Holocaust-denial is incorrect - but these are probably
topics for a course in philosophy, not history.
For a school or college class, it is much better to pick a topic
that allows you to interact with the information that you learn about
the Final Solution. There are a lot of questions where there is room
for legitimate debate, questions on which you can take a stand that
seems right to you. Below we suggest a number of such topics.
- Resistance
to the Nazi regime - either in the occupied territories or within
Germany itself (don't try to cover both in only five pages).
What gave the young German university students and medics involved
in the
White Rose
the motivation and courage to oppose totalitarianism
and genocide at the risk of their own lives? This
topic gives you a lot of room to express an opinion and take a stand
on just about anything, though you should talk to your teacher before
straying too far into literature, society, culture, or current events.
- Methods of extermination other than the gas chambers.
For much of the general public, the unique horrors of the death
camps overshadow the fact that about half the victims of the Holocaust
were murdered by other means - worked to death, starved, shot. Yale
Edeiken's essay on the
Ken Lewis's site
provide an introduction. Another organization that engaged in mass
shootings is called the Order Police. Christopher Browning's book
Ordinary Men: Reserve Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in
Poland is a good place to learn about the Order Police.
Though this topic would be good for a high school paper, it might
not yield much room to pursue a thesis. Making people aware of
uncontroversial historical facts they probably don't know about is not
the same thing as arguing a position. You'd want to delve deeper into
Christopher Browning's arguments (see below) to get to where you can
express an opinion.
- Intentionalism v. Functionalism.
One real debate among historians is whether the mass murder of
European Jews was planned by Hitler from before the war's start
(intentionalism), or decided upon, as an alternative to forced
emigration, during the war (functionalism). This makes a good paper
topic because historians do not agree; there is a quite legitimate
spectrum of opinion to explore.
Gord McFee's essay
When Did Hitler Decide On The Final Solution?
is an introduction to some recent contributions in this debate.
- What were the motivations of the perpetrators?
A very controversial book is Daniel J. Goldhagen's Hitler's
Willing Executioners, which argues that centuries of
antisemitic hate propaganda had prepared even ordinary Germans for the
prospect of murdering their neighbors. The chilling conclusion is that
the killers were not forced by the totalitarian Nazi regime or by the
exigencies of war - they wanted to kill Jews and others they
believed less than human.
As Christopher Browning's book, Ordinary Men: Reserve
Battalion 101 and the Final Solution in Poland is one of
Goldhagen's sources, it is interesting to examine why their
conclusions are somewhat different. Browning believes the motivations
of the murderers are a lot more complicated, but you will have to read
his book to see how.
A recent book, A Nation on Trial : The Goldhagen Thesis and
Historical Truth by Norman G. Finkelstein and Ruth Bettina Birn
examines Goldhagen's sources and argues that Goldhagen's scholarship
leaves a lot to be desired. There is certainly room within this topic
to take a strong position, but consider whether you will be able to
make a fully informed argument in the limited time and number of pages
you have. Historians have spent decades investigating testimony,
documents, diaries, letters, etc. on this sort of thing.
- Non-Jewish victims.
is a web site dedicated to the five million "other" innocent civilians
killed by the Nazis in addition to the nearly six million Jews
specifically targeted for extermination. As with #2, you might have a
problem finding a sufficiently controversial thesis among the less
well known facts.
The answer to the question, "Why do most people focus on the Jewish
victims?" isn't really controversial. Reasons include: about 1/3 of
the Jews in the whole world were murdered, while no more than 10% of
any other group were killed; Nazi propaganda was specifically and
virulently anti-Jewish; people who hold irrational hatreds of Jews
today focus specifically on denying Jewish suffering during the
Holocaust; and prejudice against some other victims of the Holocaust,
such as Gypsies, the physically and mentally disabled, and
homosexuals, is generally more socially acceptable today than
- What could ________ have done to stop or mitigate the
Fill in the blank: European Jews, German citizens,
Western democracies, citizens of occupied countries, the Catholic
Church or other religious groups.
The failure of the United States, Western Democracies, and
non-governmental organizations including religion to intervene when
informed of the mass murders is a complex but worthwhile topic.
short essay
discusses some of these issues. Clearly there is room for a strong
thesis (one way or the other) here, but be very careful - the history
and the issues are very complex, and people tend to get very angry and
non-scholarly where religious and national motives are involved.
It might be safer to compare and contrast contemporary responses to
mass killings in Cambodia,
and Bosnia - many of us involved
with THHP are very concerned with events there.
- Could something like the Holocaust happen here, and if so what
would be the first warning signs?
Many factors made the Holocaust possible, including: widespread
respectability of "race science" and "race hygiene"; elimination of a
democracy and its replacement with totalitarianism; prolonged war
throughout the world; crushing economic hardship; isolationism in
world powers; and poor knowledge of events in foreign lands.
Which of these factors might be likely to recur, and which seem
most important? A book with a broad, thought-provoking sampling of
writings on this question is Can It Happen Again? Chronicles of
the Holocaust, Roselle Chartock and Jack Spencer, Eds., 1995.
A good website for learning about some of these issues is
Photo of Sophie Scholl from An Honourable Defeat: A
History of German Resistance to Hitler, 1933-1945,
Anton Gill, 1994, p. 168f.
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