Dec. 45
Such allegations are reminiscent of Nazi
propaganda methods regarding
Czechoslovakia last year.
In any case it is purely and simply
deliberate German provocation in
accordance with fixed policy that has
since March" since the date
when the rest of Czechoslovakia was
seized and they were ready to go against
Poland "that has since March
exacerbated feeling between the two
nationalities. I suppose this has been
done with the object:
Creating war spirit in Germany, (b)
impressing public opinion abroad,. (c)
provoking either defeatism or apparent
aggression in Poland.
It has signally failed to achieve either
of the two latter objects.
It is noteworthy that Danzig was hardly
mentioned by Herr Hitler.
German treatment of Czech Jews and
Polish minority is apparently negligible
factor compared with alleged sufferings
of Germans in Poland where, be it noted,
they do not amount to more than 10 per
cent of the population in any commune.
"8. In the face of these
facts it can hardly be doubted that, if
Herr Hitler decided on war, it is for
the sole purpose of destroying Polish
"9. 1 shall
lose no opportunity of impressing on
Minister for Foreign Affairs necessity
of doing everything possible to prove
that Hitler's allegations regarding
German minority are false." And
yet, again, we have further corroboration of
General Lahousen's evidence in a memorandum,
which has been captured, of a conversation
between the writer and Keitel. It is 795-PS, and
it becomes GB-54. That conversation with Keitel
took place on the 17th of August, and from the
memorandum I quote the first paragraph:
reported my conference with Jost to
Keitel. He said that he would not pay
any attention to this action, as the Führer
had not informed him, and had only let
him know that we were to furnish
Heydrich with Polish uniforms. He agrees
that I instruct the General Staff. He
says he does not think much of actions
of this kind. However, there is nothing
else to be done if they have been
ordered by the Führer; that he
could not ask the Führer how he had
planned the execution of this special
action. In regard to Dirschau, he has
decided that this action would be
executed only by the Army." That
then, My Lord, was the position at the end of
the first week in August I mean at the
end of the third week in August. On the 22d of
August the Russian-German Non-Aggression Pact
was signed