Dec. 45
the Free City of Danzig, has made
demands in the character of ultimata,
and has initiated a process of economic
strangulation." It
goes on to say that "Germany will not
tolerate a continuance of the persecution"
and the fact that there is a British guarantee
to Poland makes no difference to her
determination to end this state of affairs. I
quote from Paragraph 7:
German Reich Government has received
information to the effect that the
British Government has the intention to
carry out measures of mobilization
which, according to the statements
contained in your own letter, are
clearly directed against Germany alone.
This is said to be true of France as
well. Since Germany has never had the
intention of taking military measures
other than those of a defensive
character against England or France and,
as has already been emphasized, has
never intended, and does not in the
future intend, to attack England or
France, it follows that this
announcement as confirmed by you, Mr.
Prime Minister, in your own letter, can
only refer to a contemplated act of
menace directed against the Reich. I,
therefore, inform your Excellency that
in the event of these military
announcements being carried into effect,
I shall order immediate mobilization of
the German forces." If
the intention of the German Government had been
peaceful, if they really wanted peace and not
war, what was the purpose of these lies; these
lies saying that they had never intended to
attack England or France, carried out no
mobilization, statements which, in view of what
we now have, we know to be lies? What can have
been their object if their intention had always
been for a peaceful settlement of the Danzig
question only? Then I quote again from the last
question of the treatment of European
problems on a peaceful basis is not a
decision which rests on Germany, but
primarily on those who since the crime
committed by the Versailles dictate have
stubbornly and consistently opposed any
peaceful revision. Only after a change
of the spirit on the part of the
responsible powers can there be any real
change in the relationship between
England and Germany. I have all my life
fought for Anglo-German friendship; the
attitude adopted by British diplomacy
at any rate up to the present
has, however, convinced me of the
futility of such an attempt. Should
there be any change in this respect in
the future, nobody could be happier than
I." On
the 25th of August the formal Anglo-Polish
Agreement of mutual assistance was signed in
London. It is unnecessary to read