7 Dec.
the conscience of the world. The German
Reich will be held responsible by history. Belgium is resolved to
defend herself. Her cause, which is the cause of Right, cannot be
vanquished.'" Then I think
I shall omit the next paragraph: "The Ambassador read the note . .
. "And in the last paragraph:
"In the middle of this communication
M. Spaak, who had by his side' the Secretary-General, interrupted the
Ambassador: 'Hand me the document,' he said. 'I should like to spare
you so painful a task.' After studying the note, M. Spaak confined
himself to pointing out that he had already replied by the protest he
had just made." THE
PRESIDENT: The Tribunal would like you to read what the Ambassador read.
MR. ROBERTS: I am sorry. I was thinking of the next document I was
going to read. I read the last paragraph on the first page:
"The Ambassador was then able to read
the note he had brought:
"'I am instructed by the Government of the Reich,' he said, 'to
make the following declaration:
"'In order to forestall the invasion of Belgium, Holland, and
Luxembourg, for which Great Britain and France have been making
preparations clearly aimed at Germany, the Govern- ment of the Reich
are compelled to ensure the neutrality of the three countries
mentioned by means of arms. For this purpose the Government of the
Reich will bring up an armed force of the greatest size so that
resistance of any kind will be useless. The Government of the Reich
guarantee Belgium's European and colonial territory as well as her
dynasty on condition that no resistance is offered. Should there be
any resistance, Belgium will risk the destruction of her country and
the loss of her independence. It is, therefore, in the interests of
Belgium that the population be called upon to cease all resistance and
that the authorities be given the necessary instructions to make
contact with the German Military Command.'"
My Lord, the so-called ultimatum handed in some hours after the invasion
had started is Document TC-57, which is the last document but three in
the bundle. It is the document I handed in and it becomes Exhibit
GB-112. My Lord, it is a long document and I will read to the Tribunal
such parts as the Tribunal thinks advisable:
"The Reich Government" it
begins " have for a long time had no doubts as to what was
the chief aim of British and