10 Dec.
Afternoon Session
THE PRESIDENT: I understand that the Defendant
Kaltenbrunner is now in court. Will you stand up, please?
[The Defendant Kaltenbrunner rose in the dock.]
THE PRESIDENT: In accordance with Article 24 of the Charter, you must
now plead either guilty or not guilty.
ERNST KALTENBRUNNER: I plead not guilty. I do not believe that I have
made myself guilty.
MR. ALDERMAN: May it please the Tribunal, I had just put in evidence
our Document 1456-PS as Exhibit USA-148. I now read from that document
on Page 17:
"The following is a new conception of
the Führer which Minister Todt has explained to me and which has
been confirmed later on by Field Marshal Keitel:
"I. The course of the war shows that we went too far in our
autarkical endeavors. It is impossible to try to manufacture
everything we lack by synthetic procedures or other measures. For
instance, it is impossible to develop our motor fuel economy to a
point where we can entirely depend on it. All these autarkical
endeavors demand a tremendous amount of manpower, and it is simply
impossible to provide it. One has to choose another way. What one does
not have but needs, one must conquer. The commitment of men which is
necessary for one single action will not be as great as the one that
is currently needed for the running of the synthetic factories in
question. The aim must therefore be to secure all territories which
are of special interest to us for the war economy by conquering them.
"At the time the Four Year Plan was established I issued a
statement in which I made it clear that a completely autarkical
economy is impossible for us because the need of men will be too
great. My solution, however, has always been directed to securing the
necessary reserves for missing stocks by concluding economic
agreements which would guarantee delivery even in wartime."
On this macabre note I come to the end of the story of this aggression.
We have seen these conspirators as they planned, prepared, and finally
initiated their wanton attack upon the Soviet Union. Others will carry
on the tale and describe the horrible manner in which they waged this
war of aggression and the countless crimes they committed in its wake.
When I consider the solemn pledge of non-aggression, the base and
sinister motives involved,