12 Dec.
Afternoon Session
MR. DODD: May it please the Tribunal, we had just
completed the reading of the affidavit executed by Dr. Wilhelm Jäger
at the noon recess. The conditions which were described in this
affidavit were not confined to the Krupp factories alone but existed
throughout Germany; and we turn to a report of the Polish Main Committee
made to the Administration of the General Government of Poland, Document
Number R-103, Exhibit Number USA-204. This document is dated the 17th of
May 1944 and describes the situation of the Polish workers in Germany,
and I wish to refer particularly to Page 2 of the English translation,
starting with Paragraph 2; in the German text it appears at Page 2,
Paragraph 2 also. In quoting from the document, it reads:
"The state of cleanliness of many
overcrowded camp rooms is contrary to the most elementary
requirements. Often there is no opportunity to obtain warm water for
washing; therefore, the cleanest parents are unable to maintain even
the most primitive standard of hygiene for their children or often
even to wash their only set of underclothing. A consequence of this is
the spreading of scabies which cannot be eradicated . . . .
"We receive imploring letters from the camps of Eastern Workers
and their prolific families beseeching us for food. The quantity and
quality of camp rations mentioned therein the so-called class 4
is absolutely insufficient to compensate the energy spent in
heavy work. Three and one half kilograms of bread weekly and a thin
soup at lunch time, cooked with kohlrabi or other vegetables without
any meat or fat, with a meager addition of potatoes now and then, is a
starvation ration for a heavy worker.
"When, on top of that, starvation is sometimes inflicted as
punishment for refusal to wear the badge 'East', for example
the result is that workers faint at their work (Klosterteich Camp, Grünheim,
Saxony). The consequence is complete exhaustion, an ailing state of
health, and tuberculosis. The spreading of tuberculosis among the
Polish factory workers is due to the deficient food rations meted out
in the community camps which are insufficient to restore the energy
spent in heavy work . . . .
"The call for help which reaches us brings to light privation
and hunger, severe stomach and intestinal trouble, especially in the
case of children, resulting from the Insufficiency of food which does
not take into consideration the needs of