13 Dec.
I refer again to the interrogation of the Defendant
Sauckel and to Page 1 of the excerpts from the transcript of this
interrogation as it appears in the document book:
"Q: Was the same procedure
substantially followed of allocating quotas in the Government General
of Poland?
"A: Yes. I have principally to repeat that the only possibility
I had in carrying through these missions was to get in touch with the
highest German military authority in the respective country and to
transfer to them the orders of the Führer and ask them very
urgently, as I have always done, to fulfill these orders.
"Q: Such discussions in Poland, of course, were with the
Governor General Frank?
"A: Yes. I spent a morning and an afternoon in Kraków
twice or three times and I personally spoke to Governor General Frank.
Naturally, there was also present Secretary Dr. Goebbels."
The SS, as in most matters involving the use of force and brutality,
also extended its assistance. We refer to Document Number 1292-PS, which
is Exhibit USA-225. This Document, 1292-PS, is the report of the chief
of the Reich Chancellery, Lammers, of a conference with Hitler, which
was attended by, among others, the Defendant Sauckel, the Defendant
Speer, and Himmler, the Reichsführer SS. I turn to Page 2 of the
document, beginning with the third line from the top of the page of the
English text; and it is Page 4, Paragraph 2 of the German text. The
quotation reads as follows:
"The Plenipotentiary General for
Allocation of Labor, Sauckel, declared that he will attempt with
fanatical determination to obtain these workers. Until now he has
always kept his promises as to the number of workers to be furnished.
With the best of intentions, however, he is unable to make a definite
promise for 1944. He will do everything in his power to furnish the
requested manpower in 1944. Whether it will succeed depends primarily
on what German executive agents will be made available. His project
cannot be carried out with indigenous executive agents."
There are additional quotations, as the Tribunal may observe, in this
very part from which I have been reading, but I intend to refer to them
again a little further on.
The Defendant Sauckel participated in the formulation of the over-all
labor requirements for Germany and passed out quotas to be filled by and
with the assistance of the individuals and agencies referred to, in the
certain knowledge that force and brutality were