13 Dec.
against being sent to work in Germany by the
Plenipotentiary General for the Allocation of Labor.
"The Führer agreed with the
opinions of Reich Minister Speer and emphasized that the measures
taken by the Plenipotentiary General for the Allocation of Labor
should create no circumstances which would lead to the withdrawal of
workers from armament and auxiliary industries working in occupied
territories, because such a shifting of workers would only cause
disturbance of production in occupied countries.
"The Führer further called attention to the fact that at
least 250,000 laborers will be required for preparations against air
attacks in the field of civilian air raid protection. For Vienna alone
2,000-2,500 are required immediately. The Plenipotentiary General for
the Allocation of Labor will need at least 4 million workers
considering that he requires 2 1/2 million workers for maintenance of
the present level, that Reich Minister Speer needs 1,300,000
additional workers, and that the above-mentioned preparations for
security measures against air attacks call for 250,000 laborers."
Referring again to Page 2, the first full paragraph of the English text
of this document, and Page 5, Paragraph 1, of the German text:
"The Reichsführer SS explained
that the executive agents put at his disposal are extremely few, but
that he would try helping the Sauckel project to succeed by increasing
them and working them harder. The Reichsführer SS made
immediately available 2,000 to 2,500 men from concentration camps for
air raid preparations in Vienna."
Passing the next paragraph of this document and continuing with the
paragraph entitled "Results of the Conference" and quoting it
directly after the small figure 1:
"The Plenipotentiary General for
Allocation of Labor shall procure at least 4 million new workers from
occupied territories."
Moreover, as Document 3012-PS, which has already been offered as Exhibit
USA-190, revealed, the Defendant Sauckel, in requesting the assistance
of the Army for the recruitment of I million men and women from the
Occupied Eastern Territories, informed the Defendant Keitel that prompt
action was required and that, as in all other occupied countries,
pressure had to be used if other measures were not successful. Again, as
revealed by Document 018-PS, which has been offered and from which
excerpts have been read, the Defendant Sauckel was informed by the
Defendant Rosenberg that the enslavement of foreign labor was achieved
by. force and brutality. Notwithstanding his knowledge of these
conditions, the Defendant Sauckel continued to request greater supplies
of manpower from