14 Dec.
German language and German law but to see to it
that only people of purely German, Germanic blood live in the East.
Signed, Himmler." I next offer in evidence Document Number 2916-PS,
which is Exhibit Number USA-307. This document contains various
materials taken out of Der Menscheneinsatz of 1940, a
confidential publication issued by Himmler's office for the
consolidation of German nationhood. I quote initially from Page 1, lines
7 to 11. In the German text these extracts appear at Page 51, first four
lines under the letter "D." I quote:
"The removal of foreign races from
the incorporated Eastern Territories is one of the most essential
goals to be accomplished in the German East. This is the chief
national political task, which had to be executed in the incorporated
Eastern Territories by the Reichsführer SS, Reich Commissioner
for the Preservation of German Nationality." I
next quote from lines 33 to 39 of Page 1 of the English text. In the
German text these extracts appear on Page 52, lines 14 to 20. I quote:
"There are the following two primary
reasons which make the regaining of this lost German blood an urgent
"1. Prevention of a further increase of the Polish
intelligentsia through families of German descent, even if they are
Polonized. '2. Increase of the population by racial elements desirable
for the German nation and the acquisition of ethno-biologically
unobjectionable forces for the German reconstruction of agriculture
and industry." Further light
is thrown upon the goals which the conspirators had set for their
Germanization program in conquered Eastern areas by a speech delivered
by Himmler on 14 October 1943. This speech was published by the National
Socialist leadership staff of the OKW. The document came to us through
the Document Section, 3rd U.S. Infantry Division. Excerpts from this
speech are set forth in L-70, which is Exhibit Number USA-308. I quote
all of the English text; and in the German text these excerpts appear at
Page 23, lines 6 to 11, 12 to 15, 20 to 23, and Page 30, lines 7 to 16.
Himmler said, and I quote:
"Therefore, I consider that in
dealing with members of a foreign country, especially some Slav
nationality, we must not start from German points of view, we must not
endow these people with decent German thoughts and logical conclusions
of which they are not capable, but we must take them as they really