14 Dec.
"The wives and children of such
persons are to be resettled in Old Reich territory and to be included
in the Germanization measures. Where the wife also has a particularly
bad political record and cannot be included in the resettlement
action, her name, too, is to be turned over to the competent State
Police (superior) Office with a view to transferring her to a
concentration camp. In such cases the children are to be separated
from their parents and dealt with according to III, Paragraph 2 of
this decree.
"Persons are to be considered as having a particularly bad
political record who have offended the German nation to a very great
degree (for example, those who participated in persecutions of
Germans, or boycotts of Germans, et cetera.)" Coincident
with the program of germanizing persons of German extraction in the
incorporated areas, the conspirators, as previously indicated, undertook
to settle large numbers of Germans of proven Nazi convictions in that
area. This aspect of their program is clearly shown by an article by SS
Obergruppenführer and General of the Police Wilhelm Koppe, who was
one of Himmler's trusted agents.
Excerpts from this article are contained in Document Number 2915-PS,
which was earlier introduced as Exhibit Number USA-306. I quote from the
second paragraph of the English text of this exhibit. The German text
appears at the third line from the bottom of Page 170 and continues to
the first full paragraph of Page 171. I now quote Koppe's statement:
"The victory of German weapons in the
East must, therefore, be followed by the victory of the German race
over the Polish race, if the regained Eastern sphere according
to the Führer's will shall henceforth remain for all time
an essential constituent part of the Greater German Reich. It is
therefore of decisive importance to infiltrate German farmers,
laborers, civil servants, merchants, and artisans into the regained
German region so that a living and deep-rooted bastion of German
people can be formed as a protective wall against foreign penetration
and possibly as a starting point for the racial infusion of the
territories farther east." THE
PRESIDENT: We will adjourn now for 10 minutes.
[A recess was taken.]
CAPT. HARRIS: Up to this point we have been speaking of
the Germanization measures in the incorporated areas. I should like now
briefly to turn to the Germanization program in the Government General.