I n France statistics show the following:

Removal of Raw Materials.

Coal 63,000,000 tons
Electric energy 20,976 Mkwh
Petrol and fuel 1,943,750 tons
Iron ore 74,848,000 "
Siderurgical products 3,822,000 "
Bauxite 1,211,800 "
Cement 5,984,000 "
Lime 1,888,000 "
Quarry products 25,872,000 "

and various other products to a total value of 79,961,423,000 francs.

Removal of Industrial Equipment.

Total: 9,759,861,000 francs, of which 2,626,479,000 francs of machine tools.

Removal of Agricultural Produce.

Total: 126,655,852,000 francs, i. e., for the principal products.

Wheat 2,947,337 tons
Oats 2,354,080 "
Milk 790,000 hectolitres
" (concentrated and in powder) 460,000 "
Butter 76,000 tons
Cheese 49,000 "
Potatoes 725,975 "
Various vegetables 575,000 "
Wine 7,647,000 hectolitres
Champagne 87,000,000 bottles
Beer 3,821,520 hectolitres
Various kinds of alcohol 1,830,000 "

Removal of Manufactured Products.

To a total of 184,640,000,000 francs.


Francs: 257,020,024,000 from private enterprise. Francs: 55,000,100,000 from the State.

Financial Exploitation.

From June 1940 to September 1944 the French Treasury was Compelled to pay to Germany 631,866,000,000 francs.