2. Das Korps der Politischen Leiter der
Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei, consisting of
persons who were at any time, according to common Nazi terminology,
PoIitische Leiter of any grade or rank.
3. Die Schutzstaffeln der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen
Arbeiterpartei (commonly known as the SS) and consisting of the
entire corps of the SS and all offices, departments, services,
agencies, branches, formations, organizations and groups of which it
was at any time comprised or which at any time integrated in it,
including but not limited to, the Allgemeine SS, the Waffen SS, the
SS Totenkopf Verbände, SS Polizei Regimenter and the
Sicherheitsdienst des Reichsführers-SS (commonly known as the
4. Die Geheime Staatspolizei (commonly known as the Gestapo)
consisting of the headquarters, departments, offices, branches, and
all the forces and personnel of the Geheime Staatspolizei of Prussia
and equivalent secret or political police forces of the Reich and the
components thereof.
5. Die Sturmabteilungen der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen
Arbeiterpartei (commonly known as the SA).
6. The General Staff and High Command of the German Armed Forces,
consisting of those individuals who between February 1938 and May
1945 were the highest commanders of the Wehrmacht, the Army, the
Navy, and the Air Forces. The individuals comprising this group are
the persons who held the following appointments:
Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine (Commander-in-Chief of the
Chef (and, formerly, Chef des Stabes) der Seekriegsleitung (Chief
of Naval War Staff)
Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres (Commander-in-Chief of the Army)
Chef des Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Chief of the General Staff
of the Air Force)
Oberbefehlshaber der Luftwaffe (Commander-in-Chief of the Air
Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Chief of the High Command
of the Armed Forces)
Chef des Führungsstabes des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht
(Chief of the Operations Staff of the High Command of the Armed
Commanders-in-Chief in the field, with the status of
Oberbefehlshaber of the Wehrmacht, Navy, Army, Air Force.