though its activity could not be brought
to light, for obvious reasons. Through years of secret work,
scientific and basic groundwork was laid in order to be ready again
to work for the German armed forces at the appointed hour, without
loss of time or experience . . . . Only through the secret activity
of German enterprise together with the experience gained meanwhile
through the production of peace time goods was it possible after 1933
to fall into step with the new tasks arrived at, restoring Germany's
military power."
In October 1933 Germany withdrew from the
International Disarmament Conference and the League of Nations. In
1935 the Nazi Government decided to take the first open steps to free
itself from its obligations under the Treaty of Versailles. On 10
March 1935 the Defendant Göring announced that Germany was
building a military air force. Six days later, on 16 March 1935, a
law was passed bearing the signatures, among others, of the
Defendants Göring, Hess, Frank, Frick, Schacht, and Von Neurath,
instituting compulsory military service and fixing the establishment
of the German Army at a peace time strength of 500,000 men. In an
endeavor to reassure public opinion in other countries, the
Government announced on 21 May 1935 that Germany would, though
renouncing the disarmament clauses, still respect the territorial
limitations of the Versailles Treaty, and would comply with the
Locarno Pacts. Nevertheless, on the very day of this announcement,
the secret Reich Defense Law was passed and its publication forbidden
by Hitler. In this law, the powers and duties of the Chancellor and
other Ministers were defined, should Germany become involved in war.
It is clear from this law that by May of 1935 Hitler and his
Government had arrived at the stage in the carrying out of their
policies when it was necessary for them to have in existence the
requisite machinery for the administration and government of Germany
in the event of their policy leading to war.
At the same time that this preparation of the German economy for
war was being carried out, the German armed forces themselves were
preparing for a rebuilding of Germany's armed strength.
The German Navy was particularly active in this regard. The
official German Naval historians, Assmann and Gladisch, admit that
the Treaty of Versailles had only been in force for a few months
before it was violated, particularly in the construction of a new
submarine arm.
The publications of Captain Schuessler and Colonel Scherff, both
of which were sponsored by the Defendant Raeder, were designed to
show the German People the nature of the Navy's effort to rearm in
defiance of the Treaty of Versailles.
The full details of these publications have been given in
On 12 May 1934 the Defendant Raeder issued the Top Secret