20 Nov. 45
as political soldiers of the Party. It was one of the earliest
formations of the Nazi Party and the original guardian of the
National Socialist movement. Founded in 1921 as a voluntary military
formation, it was developed by the Nazi conspirators before their
accession to power into a vast private army and utilized for the
purpose of creating disorder, and terrorizing and eliminating
political opponents. It continued to serve as an instrument for the
physical, ideological, and military training of Party members and as
a reserve for the German Armed Forces. After the launching of the
wars of aggression, referred to in Counts One and Two of the
Indictment, the SA not only operated as an organization for military
training but provided auxiliary police and security forces in
occupied territories, guarded prisoner-of-war camps and concentration
camps and supervised and controlled persons forced to labor in
Germany and occupied territories.
Through its purposes and activities and the means it used it
participated in and is responsible for the commission of the crimes
set forth in Counts One, Two, Three, and Four of the Indictment.
The "General Staff and High Command of the German Armed
Forces" referred to in the Indictment consists of those
individuals who between February 1938 and May 1945 were the highest
commanders of the Wehrmacht, the Army, the Navy, and the Air Forces.
The individuals comprising this group are the persons who held the
following appointments:
Oberbefehlshaber der Kriegsmarine (Commander in
Chief of the Navy); Chef (and, formerly, Chef des Stabes) der
Seekriegsleitung (Chief of Naval War Staff); Oberbefehlshaber des
Heeres (Commander in Chief of the Army); Chef des Generalstabes des
Heeres (Chief of the General Staff of the Army); Oberbefehlshaber der
Luftwaffe (Commander in Chief of the Air Force), Chef des
Generalstabes der Luftwaffe (Chief of the General Staff of the Air
Force); Chef des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Chief of the High
Command of the Armed Forces); Chef des Führungsstabes des
Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Chief of the Operations Staff of the
High Command of the Armed Forces); Stellvertretender Chef des
Führungsstabes des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht (Deputy Chief of
the Operations Staff of the High Command of the Armed Forces);
Commanders-in-Chief in the field, with the status of
Oberbefehlshaber, of the Wehrmacht, Navy, Army, Air Force.
Functioning in such capacities and in association as a group at
the highest level in the German Armed Forces organization, these
persons had a major responsibility for the planning, preparation,
initiation, and waging of illegal war as set forth in Counts One and
Two of the Indictment and for the War Crimes and Crimes