22 Nov. 45
The Defendant Rosenberg, whose name Your Honors will find in that
central box on the vertical line, the delegate of the Führer for
Ideological Training and Education of the Party, was a member of the
Reichsregierung in his capacity as Minister for the Occupied Eastern
Areas, the Reichsminister für die besetzten Ostgebiete.
And if Your Honors will follow me on the vertical line to the
main horizontal line and proceed to the very end, you will find a box
marked "Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories", of
which the head was the Defendant Rosenberg.
The Defendant Frick, the leader of the National Socialist
fraction in the Reichstag, was also Minister of the Interior.
If Your Honors will follow me down to the main horizontal line
and two boxes over you will find the Ministry presided over by the
Defendant Frick. Goebbels, the Reichsleiter für Propaganda, also
sat in the Cabinet as Minister for Public Enlightenment and
Propaganda (Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und
Propaganda). He is in the next box to the right from the Ministry of
the Interior.
After the 25th of July 1934 Party participation in the work of
the Cabinet was at all times achieved through the person of the
Defendant Rudolf Hess, the deputy of the Führer. By a decree of
Hitler the Defendant Hess was invested with the power to take part in
the editing of legislative bills with all the departments of the
Reich. Later this power of the Führer's deputy was expanded to
include all executive decisions and orders that were published in the
Reichsgesetzblatt, the official volume in which are contained
the decrees of the State. After Hess's flight to England in 1941, the
Defendant Martin Bormann, as his successor, took over the same
functions, and in addition he was given the authority of a
Reichsminister so that he could sit in the Cabinet.
Now, another item of importance:
On the 30th of January 1937, four years after Hitler became
Chancellor, the Führer executed the acceptances into the Party
of those last few Cabinet members who still remained out of the
Party. Only one Cabinet member had the strength of character to
reject membership in the Party. That was the Minister of
Transportation and Minister of Posts, Mr. Eltz-Rübenach. His
example was not followed by the Defendant Von Neurath. His example
was not followed by the Defendant Raeder. And if the Defendant
Schacht was not yet at that time a member of the Party, I might say
that his example was not followed by the Defendant Schacht.
The chart shows many other instances where Party members on the
highest, as well as subordinate levels, occupied corresponding or
other positions in the organization of the State. Take Hitler
himself. The Führer of the NSDAP was also the Chancellor of the