22 Nov. 45
chief directing heads of the Ministry, actually was very much
more important than his position there will indicate; and proof will
be submitted to Your Honors in support of that contention.
At the end of the horizontal line is the Ministry for the
Occupied Eastern Territories (the Reichsministerium für die
Besetzten Ostgebiete) of which the Defendant Rosenberg was the head.
And to the right of that box, among the agencies immediately
subordinate to Hitler as Reichskanzler and President, there is the
office of General Inspector for Highways, with the name of the
Defendant Speer associated with it; the General Inspector for Water
and Energy, again with the name of the Defendant Speer associated
with it.
There follows the Reich Office for Forestry (the Reichsforstamt)
[under the Defendant Göring; the Reichsjugendführer (the
leader of the Reich Youth), the Defendant Von Schirach; the Reich
Housing Commissioner (Reichswohnungskommissar), the late Defendant
Robert Ley; and among the subsequent agencies, that of the important
Reichsbank, over which the Defendant Schacht presided, to be
succeeded subsequently by the Defendant Funk; the General Inspector
for the Reich Capital (Generalbauinspekteur für die
Reichshauptstadt), the Defendant Speer.
I think I have named all of the defendants as they appear on this
chart, and of those now before Your Honors in this cause I think they
all appear on this chart in one capacity or another, in one or more
capacities,--all, I might add, except the Defendant Jodl. Jodl was
the Chief of Staff of all the Armed Forces. He was the head of the
Wehrmacht Führungsstab, and in the chart as evidential material
which will be subsequently brought before Your Honors, the name Jodl
will figure prominently in connection with the organization of the
Armed Forces.
If I may make one correction at this point, a slip of the tongue
that was called to my attention, in discussing the chart of the
Party, in the small box to the left containing the designates of the
Führer to succeed him to the Party leadership, I made the
statement that Göring succeeded Hess as Führer-designate.
Actually, when the designations were announced by the Führer,
Göring was always the first designate, and the Defendant Hess
the second.
In Annex A of the Indictment the various offices, Party
functions, and State offices which these defendants held in the
course of the period under discussion, these various offices are
mentioned. And we would like to submit at this time and offer into
evidence as exhibits proof of the offices that were occupied by these
defendants. This proof consists of 17 statements, more or less,
signed by