26 Nov. 45
of the volumes of documents should be given to the defendants'
COL. STOREY: Sir, I had the receipts that they were deposited in
the room.
THE PRESIDENT: Yes, but what I am pointing out to you, Colonel
Storey, is that if 250 copies of the documents can be given to the
press, then the defendants' counsel should not be limited to five
COL. STOREY: If Your Honor pleases, the 250 copies are the
mimeographed copies in English when they are introduced in evidence.
I hold in my hands, or in my briefcase here, a receipt that the
document books and the briefs were delivered 24 hours in advance.
THE PRESIDENT: You don't seem to understand what I am putting to
you, which is this: That if you can afford to give 250 copies of the
documents in English to the press, you can afford to give more than
five copies to the defendants' counsel--one each. Well, we do not
need to discuss it further. In the future that will be done.
DR. DIX: May I say, then, that of every document in evidence each
defense counsel will receive one copy; it will not be just one for
several members of the Defense.
THE PRESIDENT: Go on, Mr. Alderman.
MR. ALDERMAN: The aggressive war having been initiated in
September 1939, and Poland having been totally defeated shortly after
the initial assaults, the Nazi aggressors converted the war into a
general war of aggression extending into Scandinavia, into the Low
Countries, and into the Balkans. Under the division of the case
between the Four Chief Prosecutors, this aspect of the matter is left
to presentation by the British Chief Prosecutor.
Another change that we have made in our plan, which I perhaps
should mention, is that following the opening statement by the
British Chief Prosecutor on Count Two, we expect to resume the
detailed handling of the later phases of the aggressive war phase of
the case. The British, instead of the Americans, will deal with the
details of aggression against Poland. Then with this expansion of the
war in Europe and then, as a joint part of the American ease under
Count One and the British ease under Count Two, I shall take up the
aggression against Russia and the Japanese aggression in detail. So
that the remaining two subjects, with which I shall ultimately deal
in more detail, and now by presentation of specifically significant
documents, are the case of the attack on the Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics on the 22nd