30 Nov. 45
direct speech with Keitel. Keitel asked me after Canaris had read
to him a report in my presence, on December 23, 1940, according to my
notes, about the progress in the case Weygand.
As regards the second case, that is the case Giraud, I had it
from Canaris himself that the order was sent to him by Keitel--as did
also the other chiefs who were present. I further heard of it a
second time during a report from Canaris to Keitel, in my presence,
in July 1942, when this order was communicated to me in a manner
similar to that of the case Weygand, and, finally, I received it in a
direct manner from Keitel through telephone conversation which I
described here, and transmitted as urgent intelligence.
[The British Prosecutor indicated that he had no
THE PRESIDENT: Do you want to ask any questions, Dr. Nelte?
DR. NELTE: The witness, Lahousen, has given very important
evidence, particularly charging in a grave manner the Defendant
Keitel, represented by me...
THE PRESIDENT: Are you going to make a speech now?
DR. NELTE: My client, the Defendant Keitel, would like to put
numerous questions to the witness after he has had a discussion with
me. I therefore ask the Tribunal to allow either that there may be a
considerable adjournment now or that at the next session these
questions may be discussed in cross-examination.
THE PRESIDENT: Very well. You shall have an opportunity to
cross-examine at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Does any member of the Tribunal
wish to ask any questions of the witness now?
THE TRIBUNAL (Mr. Biddle): I should like to ask the witness
whether the orders to kill the Russians and in connection therewith
the treatment of the prisoners were in writing.
LAHOUSEN: As far as I know, yes, but I did not see or read these
orders myself.
THE TRIBUNAL (Mr. Biddle): Were they official orders?
LAHOUSEN Yes, they were official orders, of course, though the
facts were brought out in a roundabout way. It was these orders which
Reinecke and the others discussed and this is how I learned about the
essential points of these orders. I did not read them myself at that
time; But I knew that they were not oral agreements because they were
commented upon; consequently I knew that something existed in
writing. Only I could not and cannot say whether there were one or
more orders, and who signed them. This I did not claim to know. I
submitted my knowledge which is based solely on discussions and
reports from which I quite clearly could deduct the existence of