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question of shootings in Poland came up, that Canaris took the initiative by provoking a discussion on this subject — I no longer remember how he did this — and then pointing out the terrible political repercussions that this would have, especially abroad.

DR. NELTE: The Defendant Keitel is anxious that I should put the question to you, whether, when this order for the bombing of Warsaw was made known he did not stress the fact that this was to be put into effect only if the fortress of Warsaw did not surrender after the demand made by the bearer of the flag of truce. and even then only after an opportunity to evacuate the city had been given to the civilian population and the diplomats.

LAHOUSEN: I cannot recall the precise words he used but according to my knowledge of the situation at that time it is quite possible, indeed probable, that the Chief of the OKW, Keitel, did make this remark.

DR.. NELTE: Do you know that the Commander-in-Chief of the army at that time, Von Brauchitsch, and the Chief of the OKW, Keitel, before the Polish War began, categorically objected to the use of Gestapo and SD Kommandos, maintaining that these were unbearable m the Wehrmacht, and in this connection asked for Hitler's concurrence and received it?

LAHOUSEN: No, I did not know that, and could not have known it because of my subordinate position at that time Please do not overrate the importance of my position at that time.

DR. NELTE: As we are also concerned here with taking cognizance of a document, which, I take it, was transmitted to all department and sections of the OKW, I thought you might remember They were the so-called directives. were they not? And these directives, mentioned in connection with the campaign against Poland, in contrast to what happened later . . .

THE PRESIDENT: I think you were going a little bit too fast.

DR. NELTE: I said that in connection with these military actions, the decrees and directives were always transmitted to the various offices of the OKW in the form of carbon copies — I mean the offices which were in any way concerned. I thought, therefore. . .

LAHOUSEN: Yes, but these were things which did not concern my particular department I stress the word "particular," I did not even see them.

DR. NELTE: As later on in the conversation you were drawn into the discussion on these questions — it is true you did stress that you did not know the actual wording of the orders.

LAHOUSEN: Orders which I did not see and read. Of course, I knew a great many things, because I came to hear of them.

DR. NELTE: For that reason, I want to ask you whether you recall that the Gestapo and SD had interfered behind the advance