Dec. 45
1939 the thing that actually happened in 1944:
that Himmler should take things in hand. I place
before you these two men, one against the other:
Canaris and Himmler and I think I need
hardly tell you what Canaris was striving for
when he (Canaris) took part-ostensibly took part
in these activities.
mentioned the name of Himmler, in this
connection, I would like to ask the following
question: Is it known to you that Admiral
Canaris, during the first years of the war, laid
great stress on his good relations with the SS
and the necessity for close co-operation with
the SS, so much so, that the Defendant Göring
had to advise him to be more independent of the
SS in his military functions?
PRESIDENT: You are going too quickly and I do
not think you are observing what I said just
now, that it will help the Tribunal if you will
ask one question at a time.
STAHMER: I will put my question briefly; did the
witness know that Admiral Canaris, during the
first years of the war, had good connections
with the SS and recognized the necessity for
close co-operation with the formation, and never
failed to stress this?
this is known to me. I also know why.
STAHMER: And why?
LAHOUSEN: So that he
might be in a position to see and to know and
keep himself informed of everything these people
were doing, and be able to intervene wherever
and whenever possible.
Was it the duty of your organization, or the
duty of Canaris' department to pass on important
enemy intelligence to the military leadership in
good time?
LAHOUSEN: I do not
understand what the office of Canaris has to do
with this?
DR. STAHMER: Your section
of the office of Canaris?
Yes, of course, the Department I.
STAMMER: Now, according to my information, your
office did not pass on to the military
departments concerned information of the
Anglo-American landing in North Africa. Is that
LAHOUSEN: I do not know. Please
do not make me responsible for the department.
This is a question which could easily be
answered by Colonel Pieckenbrock, but not by me.
DR. STAHMER: Regarding the Case "Rowehl,"
you said yesterday that a colonel of the Air
Force, Rowehl, had formed a special squadron,
which had the tasks of making reconnaissance
flights over Poland, England, and the southeast
sector prior to the Polish campaign. Is that
true? LAHOUSEN: Yes.